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March 26, 2018

Title: The Abortion Distortion
Topic: Austin Tried to Muzzle Free Speech but Lost
Discussed by Nicole Hudgens
with Texas Values Action (

Recently the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a pivotal free speech case: National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra.

Bottom line: Should pro-life pregnancy centers be forced to advertise and refer clients to abortion providers?

Nicole Hudgens is a Policy Analyst for Texas Values. Nicole has a passion to see the restoration of family values in her generation and the ones to come. Before joining the Texas Values team, Nicole worked for the Heritage Foundation, Family Research Council, and recently for Congressman John Fleming in Washington, D.C.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Our first guest of the show, Cathy Cleaver Ruse with the Family Research Council, shared her opinion of the proposed California law that would force pro-life pregnancy centers to promote and advertise for abortion providers. Did Austin pass a similar ordinance?

Is the Austin ordinance still in affect? NOTE: Thanks to the hard work of Jonathon Saenz and Texas Values, the ordinance was overruled by the Fifth Circuit Court in New Orleans.

Did all of the Supreme Court Justices express concern over the California law?

SShould all abortion clinics be forced to show pictures of fully developed in-utero babies to expecting mothers? Should pregnant mothers be forced to hear their baby’s heartbeat? Obviously, our answer is YES! But this is OUR point to the liberal pro-choice crowd: What’s good for the goose should be good for the gander.

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