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June 8, 2017

Title: Government Subsidies for Billionaires
Topic: Government Subsidies
Discussed by Charles Drevna
with Fueling US Forward (

Tesla Motors Inc., SolarCity Corp, and Space Exploration Technologies Corp all have one thing in common: They have benefited from a huge sum of OUR money from the government.

New guest Charles Drevna is the President and CEO of Fueling US Forward, a free-market energy organization. Today he will be discussing the many, many government subsidies Los Angeles billionaire Elon Musk has received for his companies.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are Tesla, SolarCity, and Space Exploration Technologies still receiving tremendous amounts of our tax dollars? Charles Drevna will be discussing each company separately, so listen to the entire segment for more specific details…

Most people who drive electric cars are very wealthy. Why do they need a Federal AND state tax break?

Every person has the right to lobby the government for their cause. Charles Drevna poses this question: “What is the bigger picture?” Listen as he explains…

Are fossil fuels really important in our society?

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May 5, 2017

Title: Business Avoid Depressed Areas
Topic: Government Subsidies
Discussed by Carine Martinez
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Why should you care about legislation regarding grocery stores? Why do businesses avoid economically depressed areas? Could it be because the areas are not safe and insurance is unattainable?

New guest Carine Martinez-Gouhier is the Managing Editor at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Her areas of expertise include: corporate welfare and cronyism, economic freedom, capitalism, business ethics and corporate social responsibility, and K-12 education reform. Carine will be discussing the details of HB3324 and what you can do to stop it.

Note: Carine is from France. Enjoy her beautiful accent!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is a food “desert”? (Not dessert.)

Why do big grocery store chains avoid economically depressed areas?

Should the government allow tax subsidies for groceries stores in economically depressed areas?

Why are economically depressed areas considered high-risk?

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