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October 28, 2021

Title: Why is Critical Race Theory So Dangerous?
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Dr. Kevin Roberts
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Is Critical Race Theory really being taught in K-12 grade classrooms across America? YES it is – and we are hearing stories about it every day.

Dr. Kevin Roberts is a life-long educator and the current Chief Executive Officer of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today he discusses the dangerous precedent before us concerning Critical Race Theory.

Click here to read more on this topic from Dr. Kevin Roberts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Equity” is the newest buzzword the Leftists are using to push Critical Race Theory to our kids K-12 and especially in college. Why have they replaced “equality” with “equity”? What is the difference?

What is systemic racism? Has systemic racism ever existed in America? Does it exist now?

Does Critical Race Theory teach that Colonialists (not just in America, but worldwide) destroyed the people who lived in that country because they were a “lesser class”? Is this an idea straight from Karl Marx?

Why is Critical Race Theory so dangerous? Dr. Roberts explains that it teaches “everything that makes up the American Society is racist. This includes Christianity, free markets, traditional marriage, rule of law, traditional family structures, and a representative form of government.” You can learn more from Citizens for Renewing America here.

Did Oregon Governor Kate Brown recently announce that high school seniors would no longer be required to take a competency test in reading, writing, and math in order to graduate? Is this part of Critical Race Theory teaching? Can anyone succeed in life without these skills?

Do Critical Race Theory proponents gleefully admit that they are promoting state-sponsored racism and race-based discrimination? Dr. Roberts says they have said this in past, but are slowly moving away from this statement because they have received so much push-back. He does warn that we cannot stop fighting, though. Get involved!

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August 24, 2021

Title: Why is Critical Race Theory So Dangerous?
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Dr. Kevin Roberts
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Is Critical Race Theory really being taught in K-12 grade classrooms across America? YES it is – and we are hearing stories about it every day.

Dr. Kevin Roberts is a life-long educator and the current Chief Executive Officer of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today he discusses the dangerous precedent before us concerning Critical Race Theory.

Click here to read more on this topic from Dr. Kevin Roberts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Equity” is the newest buzzword the Leftists are using to push Critical Race Theory to our kids K-12 and especially in college. Why have they replaced “equality” with “equity”? What is the difference?

What is systemic racism? Has systemic racism ever existed in America? Does it exist now?

Does Critical Race Theory teach that Colonialists (not just in America, but worldwide) destroyed the people who lived in that country because they were a “lesser class”? Is this an idea straight from Karl Marx?

Why is Critical Race Theory so dangerous? Dr. Roberts explains that it teaches “everything that makes up the American Society is racist. This includes Christianity, free markets, traditional marriage, rule of law, traditional family structures, and a representative form of government.” You can learn more from Citizens for Renewing America here.

Did Oregon Governor Kate Brown recently announce that high school seniors would no longer be required to take a competency test in reading, writing, and math in order to graduate? Is this part of Critical Race Theory teaching? Can anyone succeed in life without these skills?

Do Critical Race Theory proponents gleefully admit that they are promoting state-sponsored racism and race-based discrimination? Dr. Roberts says they have said this in past, but are slowly moving away from this statement because they have received so much push-back. He does warn that we cannot stop fighting, though. Get involved!

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May 17, 2021

Title: Children Harmed by Critical Race Theory
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Dr. Kevin Roberts
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

What is Critical Race theory? Is it really all that bad? What should Christian parents teach their kids, especially teens, about the topic?

About Critical Race Theory, guest Dr. Kevin Roberts stated: “When we teach history, we’re teaching our children who they are and where they came from. When we teach them civics, we teach them who they can become. If we allow critical race theory to corrupt this, we will teach them the soul-crushing lesson that they’re nothing more than the color of their skin—and that’s all they’ll ever be.”

Dr. Roberts is Chief Executive Officer of the Texas Public Policy Foundation and holds a PhD in American History from the University of Texas.

Click here  for more from Dr. Roberts on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Through Critical Race Theory, are students being taught they are irredeemably bad? Are they being taught that America was built on a lie? Are they being taught that some of them a worth more than others depending on the color of their skin?

TRUE or FALSE: The Biden Administration is thrusting the following on all American students:
The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination.
The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination.
The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.

Can Critical Race Theory be compared to Marxism?

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March 22, 2021

Title: Two Weeks to Stop the Spread
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Dr. Kevin Roberts
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

"Two weeks to stop the spread" has reached its one-year anniversary. What's clear now, more than ever, is that we need to take a close look at pandemic powers. Texans deserve stronger protections from overreaching leaders.

Dr. Kevin Roberts is the Executive Director of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today he discusses the disastrous response from Texas state leaders and what needs to change for the future.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The lives of Texans were completely upended for an entire year. Did it need to happen?

Did the Texas economy suffer greatly? Is the unemployment rate up or down from a year ago?

Have small businesses been unfairly targeted during the lockdown?

Was it correct and appropriate to close schools?

Do the constitutionally guaranteed rights of Texans deserve stronger protections?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Two Weeks to Stop the Spread
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Dr. Kevin Roberts
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Governor Abbott, elected county officials, and Mayors overreach their power and authority during the lockdown?

What should our leaders have focused on instead of lockdowns?

Should the current Texas Legislature address these issues during the 2021 Legislative Session? Dr. Roberts and TPPF recently conducted a poll and nearly 75% of Texans agree that the Governor should NOT have mandate power past 30 days.

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March 25, 2020

Title: What is Telemedicine?
Topic: Telemedicine
Discussed by Dr. Kevin Roberts
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Telemedicine refers to the practice of caring for patients remotely when the provider and patient are not physically present with each other. Modern technology has enabled doctors to consult patients by using HIPAA-compliant video-conferencing tools.

Dr. Kevin Roberts discusses why allowing telemedicine is so important right now. Dr. Roberts is the Executive Director of the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is Governor Abbott allowing this practice? Is this a good thing?

Why did the change require Governor Abbott’s signature?

Will telemedicine be the new normal even after this pandemic is over? Dr. Roberts says: “I think it’s just common sense, even when there isn’t a global pandemic.”

What other aspects of the new telemedicine law should we be aware of? Will it help ease the doctor shortage we are experiencing in Texas

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Title: Protecting Our Future Now!
Topic: Telemedicine
Discussed by Dr. Kevin Roberts
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Dr. Kevin Roberts discusses the TPPF’s Recovery Agenda.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it important during this time of uncertainty that our elected leaders look forward to ensure a prosperous recovery period for Texans? Dr. Roberts points out that this virus has affected everyone, which is affecting our government. Policy is changing almost every day.

Would it be helpful if physicians were able to dispense medicine? Is prescription drug delivery in out future?

One of the items on the TPPF Recovery Agenda is cutting payroll taxes. Dr. Roberts explains what this means for both employers and employees.

How can WE keep the Texas economy going?

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July 2, 2019

Title: The Pope And Climate Change Confusion
Topic: Climate Change and Christianity
Discussed by Dr. Kevin Roberts
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Recently, Pope Francis met with a group of energy and investment executives to make an appeal for carbon pricing and a “radical energy transition” to renewable energy to address the “undeniable reality of the climate crisis.

Dr. Kevin Roberts has more details about the Pope’s “Climate Change Confusion”. Dr. Roberts is the Executive Director of the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF).

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Dr. Roberts believe the Pope is confused about climate change? He says: “I think he has tendencies toward a Neo-Marxist view.” Listen as he explains…

Does the use of renewable energy actually increase the cost of energy consumption?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Pope And Climate Change Confusion
Topic: Climate Change and Christianity
Discussed by Dr. Kevin Roberts
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How has productivity, life longevity, and overall health increased over the last 200 years?

How many people across the world still lack access to reliable, affordable electricity? Why is green energy not the answer?

Do more people die from exposure to cold then heat? Why is this important to understand?

Has the Shale Revolution in America saved lives?

What advice would Dr. Roberts offer to the Pope?

For more information on this issue, click here.

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April 3, 2017

Title: Education Freedom for ALL Children
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Dr. Kevin Roberts
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

To contact your Elected Representative, please call (512) 463-4630.  Or you can go online here.

We have discussed School Choice and Education Savings Accounts frequently over the last few months here on The What’s UP Radio Program.  Why?  To put it simply: We MUST improve the state of education in Texas for ALL children.

New guest Dr. Kevin Roberts is the Executive Vice President for the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Dr. Roberts says this of SB3 and School Choice: “School choice creates a new path forward for young Texans who may require specialized instruction, unique course offerings, or a different learning environment that they would otherwise be denied without access to education freedom.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do our Elected Officials in Texas have an obligation to provide the most appropriate educational opportunities for the most students possible?

Is it time for House leadership to stop dragging their feet and allow a vote in the appropriate committee, and then on the floor of the Texas House?

Listen as Dr. Kevin Roberts briefly explains SB3 and how Education Savings Accounts will work in Texas.

REPEAT: To contact your Elected Representative, please call (512) 463-4630. Or you can go online here.

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