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August 31, 2020

Title: School Funding for Your Child
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Allan Parker
with The Justice Foundation (

Many school districts across Texas and the nation are offering alternative options for families who do not wish to attend in-person classes. Many of those families have chosen to homeschool.

The big question now is: Should funding follow the child into alternative educational programs?

Allan Parker is the President of The Justice Foundation. He urges parents to sign the School Safety, Flexibility, and Freedom Petition.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is an off-campus instruction program? Allan discusses Texas Education Code Section 48.007.

What is the goal of the petition (linked above)?

In Texas, is public education funding calculated by an average daily attendance?

Does the Texas Education Commissioner have the authority to implement this NOW without Legislative approval? Answer: YES!! Sign the petition!!!

Allan Parker discusses specific instances of families who absolutely need alternative education choices for their children.

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September 19, 2018

Title: Save Students: Child Centered Education Funding
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Emily Sass
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

The Texas Legislature has been debating the possibility of Education Savings Accounts for years. However, the issue has just recently picked up steam and is being talked about in many circles – both on the right and the left.

Emily Sass is a Policy Analyst with the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Education Innovation. Before coming to the Foundation, Emily was on Senator Ted Cruz’s state staff as Deputy Regional Director for North Texas. While in college, she also served on the leadership team for the Patriot Academy.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the purpose of a State School Board Trustee?

Arizona has implemented Empowerment Scholarship Accounts. Have they experienced positive or negative results?

How can special funding help children who are bullied?

How can special funding help children with special needs?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Save Students: Child Centered Education Funding
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Emily Sass
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there any evidence that indicate students still in public schools are harmed due to ESA’s?

Is there any evidence that indicate students still in public schools benefit from ESA’s?

How do Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (referred to in Texas as Education Savings Accounts) work? How decides where and how a child is educated?

Why should Texas provide ESA’s or Child Centered Funding?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Save Students: Child Centered Education Funding
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Emily Sass
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are some people still against ESA’s or Child Centered Funding?

Is the money districts receive for each child enrolled in a public school for the school or for the student?

For more information on this and other education issues, click here

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September 12, 2018

Title: School Choice is Real Choice
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Allan Parker
with The Justice Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

There are thirty states in the U.S. that offer various school choice programs which include education savings accounts, tax-credit scholarships, school vouchers, and individual tax credits and deductions. Texas, which ranked 43rd in the nation in 2016, is NOT one of those states. Texas has over 1,000 schools that have not met acceptable academic standards as measured by state tests. Isn’t it time (past time) for education reform?

Allan Parker has served as the President of The Justice Foundation since 1993. Their goal is to protect the fundamental freedoms and rights essential to the preservation of the American society – especially for our future generations.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are the public schools in Texas doing the best job possible for ALL the students they serve?

How many students are currently attending public schools in Texas that are already failing in one or more areas? HINT: It’s almost one million!

Will more money thrown into the system help?

How can school choice help students who are being bullied?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - School Choice is Real Choice
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Allan Parker
with The Justice Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can school choice help students who choose to leave the public education system?

What does “child-centered” funding mean?

What are school trustees required to do for school districts? Are many trustees failing at their job?

What do charter schools provide for students?

How can school choice help students in low-performing school districts? Listen as Allan Parker offers the PROOF that education choice HELPS! One school district improved so much that the property values even increased!

Why are Texas Legislators so against school choice for our students?

Allan Parker asks all listeners to contact the Texas House urging them to approve school choice. The capital switchboard number is (512) 463-4630.

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April 19, 2017

Title: Next Step for School Choice
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Stacy Hock
with Texans for Education Opportunity (

Part 1 of 2

Stacy Hock is the Co-Founder and Chair of Texans for Education Opportunity. Today, she will be giving us an update on the School Choice issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In 2011, Arizona became the first state to pass a form of Education Savings Account (ESA) program for special needs students in the state. They have recently announced that they will be offering School Choice for every student! Why? What changed? Are there any restrictions?

How many states offer some form of ESA’s or School Choice?

The Texas Senate passed a SB3 for students with special needs and those in households designated as poor. Would that bill be a good step forward for many Texas students currently trapped in failing schools?

Is Representative Dan Huberty, the Chair of the Education Committee, still insisting that he will not allow a vote on School Choice?

Stacy Hock has been involved in supporting high quality education in Texas and other states for over a decade. Listen as she passionately explains why this issue is so important to her.

Is NOW the time to call 512 463.4630 to urge our Representative to vote FOR School Choice?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Next Step for School Choice
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Stacy Hock
with Texans for Education Opportunity (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the education system in Texas properly preparing students K-college?

How are tax dollars allocated in the education system?

Should students start suing their school district in order to receive the best education possible through ESA’s?

Call school districts begin offering ESA’s on a local level to students?

Has the Texas Supreme Court urged the Legislature to pass School Choice programs?

What’s the next step in the Texas House?

Please call 512 463.4630 and tell your Representative to vote FOR school choice in Texas.

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April 7, 2017

Title: Sign the Petition for School Choice
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Stephanie Matthews
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

The Texas Public Policy Foundation urges you to sign the petition  to let your Elected Officials know you support School Choice for ALL Texas children.

Stephanie Matthews is the Senior Policy Advisor for the Center for Education Freedom with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do parents deserve the right to choose the best education for their children?

Are school choice programs working in other states?

It has been said that too many children have been assigned the fate of attending failing schools. Can Texas children afford to have the Legislature wait another 2 years before addressing this critical issue?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Sign the Petition for School Choice
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Stephanie Matthews
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does a one-size-fits-all education system serve the needs of all students?

Is every student required to participate in the School Choice and Education Savings Account program?

To contact your Elected Representative about this critical issue, please call 512.463.4630. Or you can go online here.

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April 6, 2017

Title: Why is Education Choice So Important?
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Allan Parker
with The Justice Foundation (

We urge you to sign the petition  to let your Elected Officials know you support School Choice for ALL Texas children.

Allan Parker has served as the President of The Justice Foundation since 1993. Their goal is to protect the fundamental freedoms and rights essential to the preservation of the American society – especially for our future generations.

Mr. Parker has been dedicated to making School Choice a reality for ALL Texas children for decades. He is optimistic that we will see changes soon.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are too many school children locked into failing public schools?

Dr. James Dobson recently encouraged as many families as possible to exit the Public School System. Are too many parents financially unable to consider another education option?

The Texas Senate recently passed SB3 which would enable economically challenged parents to move their students into a private school setting. Is this a good step forward?

Do the majority of voters support School Choice?

Do many homeschool parents support School Choice?

What is the next step for School Choice in the House of Representative?

To contact your Elected Representative about this issue, please call 512.463.4630. Or you can go online here.

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April 5, 2017

Title: Sign the Petition for School Choice
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Stephanie Matthews
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

The Texas Public Policy Foundation urges you to sign the petition  to let your Elected Officials know you support School Choice for ALL Texas children.

Stephanie Matthews is the Senior Policy Advisor for the Center for Education Freedom with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do parents deserve the right to choose the best education for their children?

Are school choice programs working in other states?

It has been said that too many children have been assigned the fate of attending failing schools. Can Texas children afford to have the Legislature wait another 2 years before addressing this critical issue?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Sign the Petition for School Choice
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Stephanie Matthews
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does a one-size-fits-all education system serve the needs of all students?

Is every student required to participate in the School Choice and Education Savings Account program?

To contact your Elected Representative about this critical issue, please call 512.463.4630. Or you can go online here.

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April 4, 2017

Title: Call Your Texas State Rep NOW
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Peggy Venable
with Education Choice (

To contact your Elected Representative, please call 512.463.4630. Or you can go online here.

Peggy Venable, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, answers the question: “Why is Education Choice such an important issue?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Both Senator Ted Cruz and Former Senator Phil Graham are both supporters of School Choice and Education Savings Accounts for ALL children. Does Peggy Venable agree that NOW is the time for School choice?

The Education Savings Account bill, SB3, has passed out of the Texas Senate. Which children will be allowed to take advantage of the ESA’s?

What must the Texas House do now? Representative Ron Simmons’ School Choice Bill, HB1335, only includes provisions for students in a special education program. Listen as Peggy Venable offers more explanation on this and what Speaker Strauss can and cannot do concerning both SB3 and HB1335.

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April 3, 2017

Title: Education Freedom for ALL Children
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Dr. Kevin Roberts
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

To contact your Elected Representative, please call (512) 463-4630.  Or you can go online here.

We have discussed School Choice and Education Savings Accounts frequently over the last few months here on The What’s UP Radio Program.  Why?  To put it simply: We MUST improve the state of education in Texas for ALL children.

New guest Dr. Kevin Roberts is the Executive Vice President for the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Dr. Roberts says this of SB3 and School Choice: “School choice creates a new path forward for young Texans who may require specialized instruction, unique course offerings, or a different learning environment that they would otherwise be denied without access to education freedom.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do our Elected Officials in Texas have an obligation to provide the most appropriate educational opportunities for the most students possible?

Is it time for House leadership to stop dragging their feet and allow a vote in the appropriate committee, and then on the floor of the Texas House?

Listen as Dr. Kevin Roberts briefly explains SB3 and how Education Savings Accounts will work in Texas.

REPEAT: To contact your Elected Representative, please call (512) 463-4630. Or you can go online here.

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March 8, 2017

Title: Urge Dan Huberty to Vote FOR School Choice
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Allan Parker
with The Justice Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Representative Dan Huberty (R, District 127, Harris County) has made a grave mistake.  As Chairman of the House Education Committee, he has forgotten he works for YOU, the voter, not the government monopoly.

Allan Parker urges ALL Texas citizens to call Representative Huberty’s office at 512.463.0520, asking for either his resignation from the committee or his full support of School Choice for ALL the children of Texas.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Although we have discussed Education Savings Accounts on The What’s UP Radio Program many times, there is still quite a bit of confusion concerning what will be and will not be required by a family (parent and student) accepting ESA’s. Listen as Allan Parker explains a few of those misconceptions.

In Allan’s opinion, will the Texas Senate pass SB3, School Choice? When will it be heard and voted on?

If you aren’t sure what to say when you contact your Representative and Senator, urging a swift YES vote for School Choice, listen as Terry gives some phone conversation tips. Call the Capitol Switchboard at 512.463.2000 or click here  for more contact information.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Urge Dan Huberty to Vote FOR School Choice
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Allan Parker
with The Justice Foundation (

Allan is confident that the Senate will pass SB3, but there are obstacles in the House, with Representative Dan Huberty at the top of that list.  HB1335, introduced by Representative Ron Simmons, will only effect specials needs students and could possibly be passed, but it is simply not enough.

Will SB3 automatically be sent to the Public Education Committee, which Representative Dan Huberty is the Chairman? Or can it be sent to a different committee for consideration? Who makes the decision which committee the bill is assigned to?

Representative Huberty was recently interviewed by the Texas Tribune concerning this issue. What were his comments? Click here  to read the article.

Did Representative Huberty say, “I’m going to protect my members”? To whom was he referring?

What does the Republican Party Platform state regarding School Choice? More importantly, what do the voters – the citizens of Texas – want?

Why do PTA’s oppose School Choice?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Urge Dan Huberty to Vote FOR School Choice
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Allan Parker
with The Justice Foundation (

Your voice matters. Calling your Elected Representatives is extremely effective. Please do not sit idly by this time. Hold Representative Dan Huberty responsible for his comments and his actions.

Call Representative Dan Huberty’s office at 512.463.0520 and tell his office manager that you demand he allow a vote for School Choice. Email his office here.   Share this information on Facebook and Twitter, urging your friends and followers to do the same. We MUST take action NOW or the children of Texas will continue to suffer.

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February 13, 2017

Title: School Choice in Texas
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Stacy Hock
with Texans for Education Opportunity (

New guest, Stacy Hock, is the Founder and Chair of Texans for Education Opportunity. Today she will be discussing what has become a hot topic not only in Texas, but across America: School Choice and Education Savings Accounts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does every student deserve the best educational opportunity available today?

Approximately 900,000 students in Texas are locked into underperforming schools. With about 5 million students in K-12 Public Education, that equates to nearly 1 in 5 students not receiving an adequate education. Listen as Stacy Hock explains how we can help them.

What happens to the students who are “left behind” at public schools?

Is it past time Texas stepped up to the plate and helped all students?

How can we all get involved concerning Education Savings Accounts? Stacy encourages everyone to contact their Elected Officials in Austin, urging them to vote in favor of ESA’s. The main switchboard number is: (512) 463-2000

What/who is the biggest roadblock to passing Education Savings Accounts for Texas Students?

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February 2, 2017

Title: The Bill for School Choice has Been Introduced
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Stephanie Matthews
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Do parents deserve the chance to choose how their child is educated? Do parents who choose charter, private, or homeschool have the right to tax-payer money for their child’s education?

Stephanie Matthews, the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Education Freedom Senior Policy Advisor, is here today to discuss Senate Bill 3, introduced by State Senator Larry Taylor.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do students “left behind” in public school actually receive a BETTER education? Stephanie Matthews cites thirty-three recent studies conducted by EdChoice  which reveals this information.

Can schools use public funds to transport students to magnet/charter schools?

Why are educators and bureaucrats so afraid of School Choice?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Bill for School Choice has Been Introduced
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Stephanie Matthews
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How do Education Savings Accounts benefit those below the poverty line?

How does the money from an ESA get divided?

Why should parents be given the choice to use an ESA?

Send us your comments and questions  about School Choice and Education Savings Accounts.

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January 23, 2017

Title: Rally in Austin for School Choice
Topic: Child Centered Education Funding
Discussed by Allan Parker
with The Justice Foundation (

The 5th Annual School Choice Rally is scheduled for Tuesday, January 24, 2017 (TOMORROW!) at 10 a.m. on the south steps of the Capitol in Austin. Each year the rally - and the momentum for school choice in Texas - continues to grow dramatically.

Allan Parker, with The Justice Foundation, represented Texas public school districts from 1979-1987. He then taught Education Law at St. Mary’s University until 1993. Now, as President of TJF, he advocates for parental education rights.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Allan Parker feel so strongly about School Choice and Education Savings Accounts (ESA’s)?

Does Lt. Governor’s Dan Patrick’s proposed School Choice bill cover EVERY child in Texas, or just some? Note: Please listen carefully to this answer!!

Many organizations have rallied together in support of ESA’s. Who are they and why are they so concerned?

Listen as Terry Lowry and Allan Parker discusses who will be speaking at the School Choice Rally.

After the rally, can those attending visit with the elected officials?

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