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May 3, 2017

Title: Closing the Courthouse Doors
Topic: Republicans Push To Close Courthouse Doors
Discussed by Tori Sommerman
with Texas Watch (

It is imperative that lawmakers know that Texans are against legislation that robs them of their Constitutional right to hold their insurer accountable. HB1774, known as the “Blue Tarp Bill”, is definitely NOT a bill which Texas home and business owners can afford to ignore.

Listen as Tori Sommerman, with Texas Watch, offers more details about HB1774.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is a Blue Tarp and why don’t property owners want one?

Is HB1774 pro-insurance and anti-property owner?

By delaying claims payouts, do insurance companies make more money?

Call the Texas Capitol Switchboard at (512) 463-4630 TODAY and urge your Elected Official to vote AGAINST HB1774, the Blue Tarp Bill. NOTE: This bill will be considered for a vote on THURSDAY, May 4th so call TODAY!

Or click here  to send an email directly to your Elected Representative.

Listen as Tori Sommerman offers some tips for when you call or email your Elected Representative.

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April 27, 2017

Title: Cheating Landlords Get a Pass
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Tori Sommerman
with Texas Watch (

Part 1 of 2

Politics 101: When you win and control the votes, reward your friends and punish your enemies. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and smells like duck, then it’s probably a duck.

Tori Sommerman, the Deputy Director of Texas Watch, is here today to discuss a SB873, which, unfortunately, just passed in the Texas Senate. Its sister bill, HB1964, has already passed the House Committee and needs your immediate attention.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

SB873 addresses an issue with landlords vs tenants. Listen as Tori Sommerman explains the bureaucratic maze which tenants will be required to navigate just to obtain their day in court if this bill is passed in the House.

Who will be affected by this bill?

How is the overcharge determined?

Are tenants currently able to utilize the local court system to challenge their landlords concerning this issue?

How many class action lawsuits have been filed over the past ten years?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Cheating Landlords Get a Pass
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Tori Sommerman
with Texas Watch (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

There are much more important issues that the Texas Legislature could be tackling instead of the one we are discussing today. However, isn’t the right to a Trial by Jury vital to the preservation of America?

What groups are advocating in favor of SB873 and HB1964?

Have these bills received bi-partisan support?

Can a tenant fight their landlord in their own community? Or, must the tenant present their case in Austin, no matter where they live?

BOTTOM LINE: Is this bill fair?

Call the Capitol Switchboard at 512.463.4630 and urge your Elected Representative to vote AGAINST HB1964.

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March 29, 2017

Title: Don’t be Deceived by Storm Chasers
Topic: Homeowner’s Rights
Discussed by Tori Sommerman
with Texas Watch (

Part 1 of 2

Too many homeowners are taken advantage of by “storm chasers”.   Tori Sommerman is here to give some warning signs of scammers and explain the law in more detail.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should homeowners be leery of professional storm chasers?

What should a homeowner/property owner/vehicle owner do if they suffer storm damage?

What if the insurance adjuster is pushing for the homeowner to sign a contract quickly? Is this called “swoop and settle”?

Before signing any document with an insurance adjuster, should the homeowner have at least one quote from a qualified vendor, if not two?

Are lawyers or representatives of law firms allowed to go to door-to-door to solicit business after a storm – or any time?

There are two bills currently before the Texas legislature: SB10 and HB1774. What will they do to diminish the rights of property owners? Tori will continue discussing these bills and a plan of action in the next segment.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Don’t be Deceived by Storm Chasers
Topic: Homeowner’s Rights
Discussed by Tori Sommerman
with Texas Watch (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has it been proven that insurance companies instruct their adjusters to delay, deny, and underpay insurance claims?

Have insurance adjusters also been given bonuses when they delay, deny, and underpay insurance claims?

Listen as Tori reviews what homeowners should do immediately after a natural disaster to ensure maximum payment from their insurance company.

Are some homeowners forced to take their insurance company to court due to continued claim denials?

Tori has labeled SB10 and HB1774Blue Tarp Laws”. What does this mean? What groups are pushing these bills? HINT: You can blame the insurance companies!

Click here  for more information about this issue and to send a pre-written letter to your representative.

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February 20, 2017

Title: Courthouse Doors Closed
Topic: Tort Reform and Limiting Liability
Discussed by Tori Sommerman
with Texas Watch (

If you have ever considered suing your home or business insurance company, this is the segment to listen to! New guest, Tori Sommerman, has some answers and suggestions for you.

NOTE: Please do not construe any information discussed in this segment as legal advice. If you need assistance, please contact Texas Watch.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why would a home or business owner feel the need to sue their insurance company? Is the homeowner just greedy? Or is the insurance company oftentimes being unfair?

Is it wrong for the insured to want a fair settlement for damage to their property?

Do insurance companies often deny and delay the insured in hopes they will simply “go away”? NOTE: This is how they make their money! Listen as Tori Sommerman reveals another sneaky way insurance companies make money off you!

Several Republicans have filed bills that would make it much more difficult for property owners to file a claim when their property has been damaged. Are these bills necessary?

Were organizations like Texans for Lawsuit Reform established by consumers and activist groups looking out for little guy? Or, where they started by Big Businesses for Big Businesses?

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