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March 29, 2017

Title: Don’t be Deceived by Storm Chasers
Topic: Homeowner’s Rights
Discussed by Tori Sommerman
with Texas Watch (

Part 1 of 2

Too many homeowners are taken advantage of by “storm chasers”.   Tori Sommerman is here to give some warning signs of scammers and explain the law in more detail.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should homeowners be leery of professional storm chasers?

What should a homeowner/property owner/vehicle owner do if they suffer storm damage?

What if the insurance adjuster is pushing for the homeowner to sign a contract quickly? Is this called “swoop and settle”?

Before signing any document with an insurance adjuster, should the homeowner have at least one quote from a qualified vendor, if not two?

Are lawyers or representatives of law firms allowed to go to door-to-door to solicit business after a storm – or any time?

There are two bills currently before the Texas legislature: SB10 and HB1774. What will they do to diminish the rights of property owners? Tori will continue discussing these bills and a plan of action in the next segment.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Don’t be Deceived by Storm Chasers
Topic: Homeowner’s Rights
Discussed by Tori Sommerman
with Texas Watch (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has it been proven that insurance companies instruct their adjusters to delay, deny, and underpay insurance claims?

Have insurance adjusters also been given bonuses when they delay, deny, and underpay insurance claims?

Listen as Tori reviews what homeowners should do immediately after a natural disaster to ensure maximum payment from their insurance company.

Are some homeowners forced to take their insurance company to court due to continued claim denials?

Tori has labeled SB10 and HB1774Blue Tarp Laws”. What does this mean? What groups are pushing these bills? HINT: You can blame the insurance companies!

Click here  for more information about this issue and to send a pre-written letter to your representative.

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