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May 3, 2017

Title: Closing the Courthouse Doors
Topic: Republicans Push To Close Courthouse Doors
Discussed by Tori Sommerman
with Texas Watch (

It is imperative that lawmakers know that Texans are against legislation that robs them of their Constitutional right to hold their insurer accountable. HB1774, known as the “Blue Tarp Bill”, is definitely NOT a bill which Texas home and business owners can afford to ignore.

Listen as Tori Sommerman, with Texas Watch, offers more details about HB1774.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is a Blue Tarp and why don’t property owners want one?

Is HB1774 pro-insurance and anti-property owner?

By delaying claims payouts, do insurance companies make more money?

Call the Texas Capitol Switchboard at (512) 463-4630 TODAY and urge your Elected Official to vote AGAINST HB1774, the Blue Tarp Bill. NOTE: This bill will be considered for a vote on THURSDAY, May 4th so call TODAY!

Or click here  to send an email directly to your Elected Representative.

Listen as Tori Sommerman offers some tips for when you call or email your Elected Representative.

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