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January 13, 2012

Title: Will 2012 Bring More Employment Opportunities to Americans Currently Unemployed?
Topic: Employment
Discussed by Dr. William Dunkelberg
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Part 1 of 2

Was the month of December a good month or a bad month for workers in America? Did businesses generally hire during December or lay off workers?

Are there indicators that maybe we have reached bottom with all the massive layoffs in America? Let’s look at when the current recession began - was it in December 2007 at the end of the third year of Bush’s second term?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Employment
Discussed by Dr. William Dunkelberg
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Does your organization, NFIB, conduct surveys of your members regarding their plans to hire new employees? If so, how are small businesses responding in your most recent survey?

What could the federal and state governments do to encourage job growth? For more information on the National Federation of Independent Business, what is your website address?

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October 11, 2011

Title: What Is Keeping Unemployment High?
Topic: Obamanomics
Discussed by Dr. William Dunkelberg
with National Federation of Independent Business (

With all the government spending, why is unemployment high?

When will small businesses begin hiring again? Will it be up to small business to kick-start our economy?

Mr. Dunkelburg, chief economist for the NFIB, reports from their latest member survey: small businesses across America are not hiring new employees. Why? Listen in! For more information on the National Federation of Independent Business, visit

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