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October 24, 2011

Title: Comparing the two crowds - the two movements - the occupy Wall-Streeters and the Tea Partiers.
Topic: Pure Politics
Discussed by Charlotte Hays
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Who makes up “the crowd”? How do they dress? How do they display the American flag and family values? What are their stated goals and objectives?

If the candidates that the occupiers of Wall Street endorse win, what will America look like four years from now? Two years?

Conversely, what will America look like in 2014 if the Tea Partiers and their candidates are successful in November 2012?

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September 30, 2011

Title: Was Herman Cain Just ‘Johnny-on-the-Spot’ or Is He a Serious Contender?
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Republican Presidential Candidates
Discussed by Charlotte Hays
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Should Candidate Herman Cain’s surprising upset win in the recent Florida straw poll be dismissed with a few chuckles?

Historically, the winner of this straw poll has gone on to win the GOP nomination.

Cain received 37%, Perry 15%, Romney received 14%. Was this a fluke or a true reflection of what will happen?

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July 19, 2011

Title: Is President Obama an Economic Illiterate?
Topic: Obamanomics
Discussed by Charlotte Hays
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Is President Obama demonstrating that he is an economic illiterate? Does President Obama only understand ‘faculty lounge ideology’?

Charlotte Hays explains how the unemployment rate typifies Obama’s lack of understanding on how to get America working again.

Ms. Hays also comments on this statement: “What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving”. And: “The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else”.

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June 20, 2011

Title: Pawlenty Fumbled The Opportunity To Hammer “ObamNEYcare”
Topic: ObamaNEYcare
Discussed by Charlotte Hays
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Governor (and Presidential Candidate) Pawlenty was highly successful on the Sunday talk circuit hammering his chief rival, Mitt Romney, by calling the mandated health insurance program in the State of Massachusetts as “ObamNEYcare”. But when asked by moderator John King during the recent New Hampshire debate about the characterization of Romneycare as Obamneycare, Pawlenty went limp. Did Pawlenty bury his Presidential aspirations? Log onto

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October 28, 2010

Topic: Mancession
Discussed by Charlotte Hays
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Has the recession hit men harder than women, thus, the name “ManCession”? Women tend to work in less effected industries such as education and health care. So, should Obama pander to women or do whatever he can to put America back to work? Log onto  for more.

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