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April 8, 2015

Title: It's a Bad Deal
Topic: Iran Deal Just Bad
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

When you see a good deal, you better grab it quick. But, if your gut tells you it’s a bad deal, walk away. Ambassador Meir Shlomo discusses the deal on the table between Israel and Iran. The ultimate goal is to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, but Ambassador Shlomo says, “Unfortunately, this deal doesn’t do the trick.” Listen in as he explains in more detail why Israel is opposed to this deal. “The centrifuges keep spinning and the sanctions are melting.

Remember the North Korean deal from 30 years ago? We tried to keep them from having nuclear weapons, but a piece of paper didn’t stop them! What makes the world leaders think Iran will be any different? “I can’t see anything stop them (Iran) from breaking the agreement,” Ambassador Shlomo says. In the eyes of Israelis, the proposed deal with Iran is dangerous. Why? Will other countries around Iran, such as Saudi Arabia, want to obtain nuclear weapons as well, either for protection or to use against us?

Without a deal, some say the only alternative is war. Ambassador Shlomo says, “We are more interested than any other country in the world to have a deal. To have peace. But it has to be a good deal for everyone. Preventing Iran from going nuclear is a must. We still have time and should wait for what is best.

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