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June 11, 2021

Title: Military Drafted into Biden's LGBTQ+ Parade
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Lt. General Jerry Boykin
with Family Research Council (

Forget the screaming children on the Rio Grande and the cyber-attacks on our meat plants and pipelines. Don't worry about the overseas unrest or the price hikes on gas and food. The serious issues will have to wait. Because there's only one thing on the president's mind right now: Pride month.

Retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin is the Executive Vice President of the Family Research Council. He was one of the original members of the US Army's Delta Force, eventually commanding all the Army's Green Berets. He is also an ordained minister.

Click here for more on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Obama spent eight years using our military as a mule for his social agenda. Is Biden picking up right where he left off?

Are serious issues playing second-fiddle to Pride Month?

Is Biden focused on forcing Chaplains to hide and deny their religious convictions in order to encourage harmful behavior?

Have forty House Democrats introduced legislation that would stop the Department of Defense from stationing military members with trans-identifying children in any state or country that doesn’t give them access to mutilating surgery or hormone treatments?

Do we need the “Old Glory Only Act”?

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March 4, 2019

Title: The Real Venezuela
Topic: Socialism Failed Venezuela
Discussed by Lt. General Jerry Boykin
with Family Research Council (

Men and women of what was once Latin America’s richest country are now eating rotten food just to survive. Mothers are so poor and malnourished that they are giving birth to stillborn babies – or miscarrying them altogether. Millions of people are leaving what’s left of their homes to set out on foot over the mountains for a chance to survive. This is the legacy of a broken Venezuela, where there is no freedom, no hope, and no future for the people without help.

Lt. General Jerry Boykin offers some grim details. Lt. Boykin is the Executive Vice President for the Family Research Council. He is also a retired military US Army Delta Force Commander.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was Venezuela once a thriving country with one of the largest GNP of any country in the world?

Did socialists promise the masses a utopia paradise?

Are many in Venezuela searching for clean water and food?

Listen as Lt. General Jerry Boykin reminds us of why Nehemiah built a wall…

How many Venezuelans are in refugee camps in Columbia and Brazil?

What caused the unraveling of Venezuela?

Lt. General Jerry Boykin encourages everyone to contact their elected officials concerning this issue. We need to back President Trump, not condemn him.

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August 15, 2018

Title: No Bibles in the Military
Topic: Christian Persecution in the Military
Discussed by Lt. General Jerry Boykin
with Family Research Council (

At the base’s dining facility, sitting on the Missing Man’s Table was a Bible. But this was so offensive it was forcibly removed.

Our service men and women swear to live by values that include duty, honor, courage, integrity, loyalty, and other high ideals. How can their military readiness be threatened or derailed by words on the pages of a book thousands have carried into the crucible of battle for generations?

Lt. General Jerry Boykin is a retired U.S. Army Delta Force Commander. He is currently the Executive Vice President for the Family Research Council.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Bible so offensive to some that it hurts their conscience just to see one?

Are America's military men and women trained to fight and win wars? How could they be "terrorized" by the sight of a Bible on a mess-hall table?

Who is the group “The Military Religious Freedom Foundation”? Why does their founder, Mike Weinstein, have such a vendetta against Christianity in the military?

Where is the air force base located that is the center of this controversy?

Is this the first time that Mike Weinstein has complained about a Bible on a military base?

Do all roads lead to heaven?

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June 29, 2016

Title: Is Christianity Taboo in the Military?
Topic: Christian Persecution in the Military
Discussed by Lt. General Jerry Boykin
with Family Research Council (

The attack on the religious freedom for those who protect our nation has now come down to this: you can't even retire from the military with your freedom of religion and speech intact.

Lt. General Jerry Boykin will discussing the persecution of Christians in the military today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are there atheists in foxholes who are taking incoming fire?

Was Lt. General Jerry Boykin ever instructed, verbally or in writing, not to pray audibly invoking the name of Jesus?

Are officers and others being discourage now to silence their faith?

When did the spirit of the anti-Christ invade our military leadership?

Lt. General Boykin has personally experienced anti-Christian bigotry. Listen in as he shares what happened.

Recently, retired U.S. Air Force Senior Master Sergeant Oscar Rodriguez was invited to recite a traditional flag-folding speech at a retirement ceremony at Travis Air Force Base. Was he forcibly removed from the ceremony, and if so, why?

How can we pray for the defeat of this anti-Christian spirit in our nation’s military?

NOTE: To hear U.S. Air Force Senior Master Sergeant Oscar Rodriguez recount the details of this incident, click here.  It is absolutely heart-breaking.

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June 9, 2016

Title: Canceled Prayer Breakfast. Why?
Topic: Praying for America
Discussed by Lt. General Jerry Boykin
with Family Research Council (

Lt. General Jerry Boykin was scheduled to speak at a voluntary prayer breakfast commemorating the anniversary of D-Day in Fort Riley, Kansas on March 31, 2016. However, due to a complaint from an atheist group, the prayer breakfast was canceled.

Lt. General Jerry Boykin is with us today to discuss the details of this event and what led to its cancelation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How did Lt. Boykin receive the invitation to speak at the prayer breakfast?

How did he find out the event had been canceled?

What was the excuse from the army for canceling the event?

Who was the atheist group that complained about Lt. General Jerry Boykin?

How many times has he been “disinvited” from speaking at events due to complaints from this group and others?

Lt. Boykin also reveals details about the “crying soldiers” who called this group to “beg” them to stop him from speaking at the voluntary prayer breakfast on the base. NOTE: This group called Lt. Boykin a “fundamentalist Christian extremist”. What a great title to have!!

How can you help Lt. General Jerry Boykin’s ministry – The Kingdom Warriors?  Go to the Fort Riley, Kansas Facebook page  and send them a message objecting to leadership caving to this atheist group.

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May 5, 2016

Title: The Army Made the Right Decision for Once
Topic: The American Armed Services
Discussed by Lt. General Jerry Boykin
with Family Research Council (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Lt. General Jerry Boykin is a retired U.S. Army Delta Force Commander. He is currently the Executive Vice President for the Family Research Council. He joins us today to discuss a highly sensitive and important topic regarding a case against a Green Beret. Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland was facing discharge by the Army because he confronted an Afghan police chief who had repeatedly raped a young Afghan boy. The Army recently announced their decision to allow Martland to keep his position.

The point of this interview is to first explain the situation in detail and why Martland felt so obligated to intervene. Secondly, we must spread the truth about this and the terrible atrocities which occur in the Middle East which our military personal can do little or nothing to stop. If they do happen to intervene, they face harsh punishment, possibly ruining their career in the military.

Lt. General Boykin explains that the initial reprimand was against Martland and another Green Beret, a Captain. The Captain chose to retire from the military; Martland chose to fight because he was “selected to be put out of the military”. In other words, he was unfit for service. However, Lt. General Jerry Boykin states: “This is the kind of guy we want in our military. He has values.

Many people across the country – throughout the world, even – rose up to fight for Martland. Elected Officials fought for him. Petitions were started. Phone calls were made. Emails were sent. “We have to stand together to see these kinds of victories,” he says.

The military is struggling for many reasons, this being one of them. Men and women join the military to help people. If they can’t even help the most vulnerable, then why would they want to defend that entire country? Lt. General Jerry Boykin declares, “If we don’t change the culture in our military that has emerged over the last few years, we’re going to have a mercenary military. That is not what we want. We want people who have values.

Lt. General Jerry Boykin encourages everyone to get involved in the political process. However, host Terry Lowry states: “It’s going to take more than a vote. It’s going to take Americans on their knees.

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February 11, 2016

Title: Obama’s Phony Push for Women’s Rights
Topic: Women in the Military
Discussed by Lt. General Jerry Boykin
with Family Research Council (

Lt. General William “Jerry” Boykin serves as the Family Research Council’s Vice President. Before his current position, Lt. General Boykin was one of the original members of the Army’s Delta Force and also commanded the Army’s Green Berets. During the last four years of his thirty-six year military career, Lt. General Boykin served as the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence. More importantly, however, he is a Christian with a passion for serving others and bringing more souls to the Kingdom of God.

Lt. Boykin is with us today to discuss the very serious possibility of every female in America over the age of eighteen being drafted to the military for “selective services”. Yes, that is right. Obama, if he has his way, will force your daughter to join the military and possibly endure the hell of combat in war.

Obama has already opened the door to women to fight in combat if they wish under the guise of “equal rights”. His newest push, however, will make it mandatory. Lt. Boykin says, “The military services, in their heart, know that this is not a good thing. It will have a negative impact on military readiness.

Is this just another Obama social engineering experiment? This appears to be the case. Lt. Boykin goes on to explain that the Marine Corp has some compelling data as to why this is not what America needs for the future of our military. Ash Carter, the current Defense Secretary, has completely ignored their advice and the advice of his military chiefs. In fact, Lt. Boykin and others don’t believe that Carter even read the report!

The point of war is to win. Not conduct a social engineering experiment. Lt. General Jerry Boykin explains in more detail why this is not a sexist issue; it is about the safety of our country and what is best for all people. “The greatest threat is the declining moral in our military which is preventing good people from joining. And these social experiments are resulting in a lot of good people leaving,” he declares. “We the people are the government. We must elect people who have the courage to stand for our military.

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December 4, 2014

Title: Secretary Hagel: Tell All Now
Topic: The American Armed Services
Discussed by Lt. General Jerry Boykin
with Family Research Council (

America has been at war for 13 years; our military has an all-time high suicide rate, out-of-control PTSD, and family disintegration at unprecedented levels. The Obama administration has still not announced a serious and coherent strategy to destroy ISIS. We are still sending our young men and women to “fight” Ebola - something that is NOT even a military mission in the first place. This just does not make sense.

General Boykin says that Former Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel needs to tell the truth about ISIS and Syria and other issues NOW; he would be doing a great public service. He doesn’t need to wait for a book deal years down the road – no one will care. North Korea, Russia, China, and Iran are all increasing their military forces while we are reducing our numbers and strength. This just does not make sense.

General Boykin also believes that we are simply wasting missiles launching at ISIS. We are also being irresponsible by leaving equipment in Iran and Iraq and other countries. Why are they just leaving stuff there for militants and terrorists to obtain? This just does not make sense.

So what does General Boykin think about all this? What needs to be done? As former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, Boykin says that, first, we need to arm the Kurds directly. Second, we need to put as many special ops forces on the ground in Iraq to identify and destroy ISIS. Third…well, just listen in to find out more!!

Plus – are ISIS members already in America and actively recruiting members? And is it necessary for our military to be in Africa fighting Ebola? Log on to  for more on this and other issues.

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June 20, 2013

Title: No Longer Under Covers
Topic: Christ-a-phobic Behavior
Discussed by Lt. General Jerry Boykin
with Family Research Council (

Anti-Christian Attacks on American soil occurring almost daily. Their anti-god behavior is now exposed for all to see. They must be Christ-a-phobic. General Boykin was asked:

Did Coast Guard Rear Admiral William Lee recently tell a national Day of Prayer audience that religious liberty was being threatened by Pentagon lawyers?

Was an Air Force officer recently told to remove a Bible from his desk because ‘it might offend someone’, a Bible the office had kept on the desk for 18 years?

Was an enlisted service member recently given a negative efficiency report for sending invitations to his promotion party, in which he said he would be serving Chick-fil-A sandwiches in honor of the Defense of Marriage Act?

Some are now exhibiting “Christ-a-phobic” behavior for sure!

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June 19, 2013

Title: No Longer Under Covers
Topic: Christ-a-phobic Behavior
Discussed by Lt. General Jerry Boykin
with Family Research Council (

Anti-Christian Attacks on American soil occurring almost daily. Their anti-god behavior is now exposed for all to see. They must be Christ-a-phobic. General Boykin was asked:

Did Coast Guard Rear Admiral William Lee recently tell a national Day of Prayer audience that religious liberty was being threatened by Pentagon lawyers?

Was an Air Force officer recently told to remove a Bible from his desk because ‘it might offend someone’, a Bible the office had kept on the desk for 18 years?

Was an enlisted service member recently given a negative efficiency report for sending invitations to his promotion party, in which he said he would be serving Chick-fil-A sandwiches in honor of the Defense of Marriage Act?

Some are now exhibiting “Christ-a-phobic” behavior for sure!

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May 17, 2013

Title: 15 Events that Highlight the Growing Hostility Towards Christians in the Military
Topic: Christian Persecution in the Military
Discussed by Lt. General Jerry Boykin
with Family Research Council (

The aggressive anti-Christian actions of the Obama administration are real, documented, and escalating. Lt. General Jerry Boykin served our country as one of the original members of the US Army’s Delta Force and spent the last 4 years of his 36 year military career serving as the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence.

But, most importantly, Lt. General Jerry Boykin is a Christian man; an ordained minister, in fact. Today he discusses some of the ways Christians in the ilitary are being persecuted right here in America.

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January 31, 2013

Title: Women in Combat - It’s not Sexist to Think this is a Bad Idea.
Topic: Women in Combat
Discussed by Lt. General Jerry Boykin
with Family Research Council (

Many people view the recent news that women will be allowed in combat as a victory. But is it?

Lt. General Jerry Boykin believes it is the opposite. For example, placing women in combat units places the entire unit at risk. Boykin also believes this is merely a social experiment that will have horrific consequences. Listen in as General Boykin explains.

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August 27, 2010

Title: Is The “Window of Opportunity” Closing
Topic: Destroy Iran’s Nuclear Capability
Discussed by Lt. General Jerry Boykin
with Family Research Council (

On 10 April 2008, General Boykin spoke at Epicenter 2008, a conference in Israel hosted by Joel C. Rosenberg. His closing statement made a large round of applause:

We as believers have been promised that we will spend an eternity with God. Last Saturday I was doing a men's conference in Fredricksburg, Virginia and I was praying during the worship service and something dawned on me and it was the Holy Spirit speaking to me.

And the Holy Spirit said, "This is what I want you to share with My men today", and I'm going to share it with you and this is what it is:
One day, we're going to stand before the gates of Heaven. Some of us want to be able to walk up there in a white robe and we want to sing Abba Father and Amazing Grace and we want to say to the Lord, 'I worshiped You.'

But I want you to think about this: Here’s the way I want to enter the gates of Heaven. I want to come skidding in there on all fours. I want to be slipping and sliding and I want to hit the gates of heaven with a bang.

And when I stand up and I stand before Christ, I want there to be blood on my knees and my elbows. I want to be covered with mud. And I want to be standing there with a ragged breast plate of righteousness; and a spear in my hand. And I want to say,  'Look at me, Jesus. I've been in the battle. I've been fighting for you.'"

Ladies and gentlemen, put your armor on and get into battle. God bless you.

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