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August 27, 2010

Title: Is The “Window of Opportunity” Closing
Topic: Destroy Iran’s Nuclear Capability
Discussed by Lt. General Jerry Boykin
with Family Research Council (

On 10 April 2008, General Boykin spoke at Epicenter 2008, a conference in Israel hosted by Joel C. Rosenberg. His closing statement made a large round of applause:

We as believers have been promised that we will spend an eternity with God. Last Saturday I was doing a men's conference in Fredricksburg, Virginia and I was praying during the worship service and something dawned on me and it was the Holy Spirit speaking to me.

And the Holy Spirit said, "This is what I want you to share with My men today", and I'm going to share it with you and this is what it is:
One day, we're going to stand before the gates of Heaven. Some of us want to be able to walk up there in a white robe and we want to sing Abba Father and Amazing Grace and we want to say to the Lord, 'I worshiped You.'

But I want you to think about this: Here’s the way I want to enter the gates of Heaven. I want to come skidding in there on all fours. I want to be slipping and sliding and I want to hit the gates of heaven with a bang.

And when I stand up and I stand before Christ, I want there to be blood on my knees and my elbows. I want to be covered with mud. And I want to be standing there with a ragged breast plate of righteousness; and a spear in my hand. And I want to say,  'Look at me, Jesus. I've been in the battle. I've been fighting for you.'"

Ladies and gentlemen, put your armor on and get into battle. God bless you.

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