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April 15, 2016

Title: I will fight to the very end. Will You?
Topic: Salvation Army
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 1 of 4

William Booth, Founder of the Salvation Army, once wrote:

"While women weep, as they do now, I'll fight.
While little children go hungry, I'll fight.
While men go to prison, in and out, in and out, as they do now, I'll fight.
While there is a drunkard left,
While there is a poor lost girl upon the streets,
Where there remains one dark soul without the light of God, I'll fight!
I'll fight to the very end!

Millions of people in over 118 countries are being helped today because of one man and his wife. Bill Federer is our resident historical expert and today discusses the positive impact William Booth and his wife, Catherine, have had on the world and the kingdom.

When he was only thirteen years old, William Booth was an apprentice to a pawn broker in England. That is where he first became aware of the tragic need many people had for basic essentials. After he became a Christian, he studied many preachers and sermons centering on helping the needy. When he and Catherine married years later, they founded “The Christian Mission”.

While the Booths were ministering to the needy in England through their mission, they realized that one of the biggest crimes being committed was sex trafficking and teenage prostitution. “They made it their goal to end this terrible practice,” Bill comments. In fact, they even arranged to “buy” one of the young girls in order to give her a better life. However, their plan backfired and trouble arose. Listen in as Bill shares the rest of the story!

Catherine Booth once said: "I felt as though I must go and walk the streets and besiege the dens where these hellish iniquities are going on. To keep quiet seemed like being a traitor to humanity."

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Title: What is your impact for the kingdom?
Topic: Salvation Army
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 2 of 4

Currently, the Salvation Army has 81 mission stations worldwide with 127 full-time Evangelists and over 1,900 volunteers. The Salvation Army holds a whopping 75,000 meetings per year!!

In 1884, the Booths established the first rescue home for girls who were stuck in the sex-trafficking trade. Over the next thirty years, the number of homes grew from 1 in only one city to 117 homes worldwide. In 1885, the Booths, along with feminist and social reformer Josephine Butler, were able to pass England’s Criminal Law Act of 1885, which raised the age of consent for sex. However, much was still needed to be reformed as many of the laws only protected the very young and extremely wealthy.

SHOCK FACT: Bill Federer makes a shocking statement about UN Peacekeepers and sex trafficking. Seriously, you will be sick to your stomach when you hear what he has to say!

On a happier note, Bill reveals how we have William and Catherine Booth to thank for the matches of today. Yes, matches! It is an interesting, yet heartbreaking story. Listen in!

William Booth received an honorary degree from Oxford University and had the privilege to meet with the King of England, Winston Churchill, and Teddy Roosevelt, whom he sent a powerful telegram in 1903:

"I am more than impressed with the greatness of the Nation at whose head you have been placed by the Providence of God. I pray that He may spare you all the wisdom needed... [editor’s note: I now pray to the maker of the universe for some of His spare wisdom and Spirit!]    ....These kindly feelings which you are known to entertain towards those who grow in misery and helplessness even in this greatly favored country...May the blessing of Him that maketh rich and addeth no sorrow be on the White House and the Nation it represents."

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Title: Purpose to have an impact for the kingdom.
Topic: Salvation Army
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 3 of 4

In this third segment with Bill Federer, he concludes his discussion about William and Catherine Booth and their amazing contributions to improving the world. (In the fourth segment, Bill discusses Apollo 13, prayer, unity, and God. Listen in!)

One memorable quote from William Booth is: "The chief danger of the 20th century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and Heaven without Hell." We are seeing this played out in public squares all across the world, especially here in America concerning the homosexual movement. Listen in as Bill speaks passionately on this issue, offers more fantastic quotes by William Booth, and gives more encouragement from various Presidents and other important figures who spoke highly of William and his wife Catherine.

Booker T. Washington, the Founder of Tuskegee Institute, loved the Salvation Army. On July 28, 1896, Washington wrote: "I have always had the greatest respect for the work of The Salvation Army especially because I have noted that it draws no color line in religion...In reaching the neglected and, I might say, outcasts of our people, I feel that your methods and work have peculiar value...God bless you in all your unselfish Christian work for our country." If that isn’t an endorsement of highest praise, I don’t know what is!

It’s about time we have another William Booth in the world again. Will it be you?

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September 14, 2006

Topic: Salvation Army
Discussed by Mechelle Henry
with Salvation Army

Will there be a Christmas for the 48,000+ needy people in Houston this year? The Salvation Army needs to find 80,000 square feet of warehouse space immediately for their “Secret Santa Warehouse”. Can you, your church, your Bible Study group, or even your office volunteer for a few hours? Call Mechelle Henry at 713-752-0677 for all the details.

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December 14, 2005

Title: This Christmas ask this question: "What did you give?"
Topic: Salvation Army
Discussed by Mechelle Henry
with Salvation Army

The Secret Santa Warehouse needs you - it's not too late! Log onto for ways to give of your time, talent, your resources and your prayers. Call Mechelle and volunteer today! Her number is 281.204.3890

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December 13, 2005

Title: Bell Ringers are a reminder to give this Christmas season
Topic: Salvation Army
Discussed by Jincy Kunnacherry
with Salvation Army

Jincy Kunnacherry, with the Salvation Army of Houston, explains how vitally important it really is to give that dollar, or five dollars, or your spare change in the Red Kettle and how you can do so much more.

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October 18, 2005

Title: What's Up today with the local Salvation Army?
Topic: Salvation Army
Discussed by Rolan Chambless
with Salvation Army

Explaining the "Food Pantry Fund Drive" is Roland Chambless. So, what's needed and how can we help? Volunteers are needed to help serve meals on Thanksgiving. Call 713-752-6777 and ask for the Volunteer Coordinator.

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July 11, 2005

Title: Dennis the Menace missed his day.
Topic: Salvation Army
Discussed by Rolan Chambless
with Salvation Army

What is a mobile feeding unit? What about the menu? Can I just decide to volunteer and drive to a disaster area and start working? Is training and coordination important? Rolan Chambless, the Disaster Relief Coordinator with the Salvation Army, Houston, encourages everyone to pray, give and get involved. For more information, log onto

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Title: Feeding Relief Since 1900
Topic: Salvation Army
Discussed by Bill Davenport
with Salvation Army

Bill Davenport, with the Baptist Men of Texas - SBC of Texas, invites everyone interested in being a disaster relief volunteer with the Salvation Army to attend one of two training sessions to be held Wed, July 13 and Thur, July 14... For times and locations, log onto

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Title: Average age of a homeless person in Houston is 9!
Topic: Salvation Army
Discussed by Mechelle Henry
with Salvation Army

Mechelle Henry shares from her heart some of the work of the Salvation Army in the Houston area. How about praying about becoming a volunteer, you, your Sunday School Class / Bible Study Group, and or your church? Some Christians travel to Mexico, Russia, China and other lands to volunteer. You can do one of three things: pray, give, volunteer - maybe all three!

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July 8, 2005

Title: Feeding Relief Since 1900
Topic: Salvation Army
Discussed by Bill Davenport
with Salvation Army

The Salvation Army first helped with disaster relief in 1900 in Galveston. Bill Davenport with the Baptist Men, through the Southern Baptist Convention of Texas, with the Salvation Army will be conducting two disaster relief training sessions in the Greater Houston Area Wednesday, July 13, and Thursday July 14. Log onto for times and locations.

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Title: Harbor Light Center
Topic: Salvation Army
Discussed by Robert Lavernge
with Salvation Army

From high school football in Louisiana to college ball at the University of Houston, Robert Lavernge had the world by its tail until drugs grabbed him. At his bottom, his sister took him to the Salvation Army with her check book and asked, "What does it cost for you to help my brother?" Their reply was simply his effort. He stayed 14 months as a client and now is a minister with the Salvation Army.

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Title: A cup of cold water in Jesus' name.
Topic: Salvation Army
Discussed by Major John R. Jones
with Salvation Army

A wise man once said, "Preach the word of God and when necessary, use words. Started in London in 1865, the Salvation Army came to America in 1880 and to Houston in 1889. Their first disaster relief effort was in Galveston in 1900. Practical ministry focused on the mind, body and soul. Please pray for the Salvation Army. Pray about becoming personally involved as a volunteer. Pray about being a financial partner in meeting the needs of your brothers and sisters. The average age of a homeless person is 9 years of age. How can you help - how can you pray?

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Title: Help and assistance at ground zero.
Topic: Salvation Army
Discussed by Beverly Pop
with Salvation Army

Purpose Driven Projects is the focus of the staff at the Houston office of the Salvation Army. Do you have room on your prayer list to pray for a bed, say bed #5 at Harbor Light? You may not know the name of the man that sleeps in bed #5 - but God does. Could your Sunday school class or Bible study or church adobt a program for the next 12 months as an outreach project? The possibilites are endless - the rewards are out of this world!

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