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March 9, 2016

Title: A Supreme Decision: Filling Scalia’s Seat.
Topic: Supreme Court Nomination Process
Discussed by Dr. Chris Gacek
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

With the recent death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, many voters have turned their attention to the next nominee. The process is a lengthy one, with many factors being considered and different avenues explored. Here to discuss the process is Dr. Chris Gacek with the Family Research Council.

First, Dr. Gacek discusses what the role of the Senate is regarding a President’s nominee choice. Do they really hold all the power in their hands? Can they simply choose to not vote for or against any nominee? There have been many instances in the past when the Senate has chosen to not to vote on a nomination for a Supreme Court vacancy. This is very important and extremely relative to the current situation we are facing, so listen in closely as the facts are revealed!

The Republicans currently hold the majority in the Senate. If Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell decides to “sit on” the nomination (not move forward with it), then what happens? What does Dr. Gacek recommend the Senate do if President Obama presents a nomination – any nomination?

FACT CHECK: Did President Obama once filibuster a SCOTUS nominee? Listen in to find out!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - A Supreme Decision: Filling Scalia’s Seat.
Topic: Supreme Court Nomination Process
Discussed by Dr. Chris Gacek
with Family Research Council (

Every American citizen should be concerned about who will fill the vacant Supreme Court seat – no matter what side of the aisle you are on. For Republicans – more specifically Christians – the decision is even more imperative. Our rights are being stripped away from us at an astonishing rate, and many of those decisions are made by the Supreme Court Justices of the United States.

Dr. Chris Gacek believes, however, that the appellate and district court judges are just as important, if not more so. President Obama has appointed roughly 300 lower court judges over the last seven years. Before that, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton each has eight years in office to do the same! “What this means is that the current makeup of the Federal Judiciary is heavily tilted toward the left,” Chris points out.

The Supreme Court has had a major impact on controversial decisions. Scalia’s death will definitely have an influence on future votes, especially if Obama is able to appoint a left-leaning Justice with the Senate’s approval. Listen in as Dr. Gacek discusses just how bad this could be for Americans regarding several decisions currently being considered by the Supreme Court Justices.

This is why the election is so important,” Chris says. Look at Ted Cruz – “a super lawyer”, as Chris calls him. “A guy like him understands administrative law…I fully expect him to, within the first week, have a list of executive orders that need to be undone.” That is, IF Cruz is elected President….

To read Dr. Chris Gacek’s editorial on this issue, click here.

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June 28, 2010

Topic: Supreme Court Nomination Process
Discussed by Mario Diaz
with Concerned Women for America (

Contrary to the blank slate the White House media machine has tried to sell the American people, an objective review of Elena Kagan’s record reveals a surprisingly clear picture of who she really is. Log on to for more on this and other important issues.

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May 18, 2010

Topic: Supreme Court Nomination Process
Discussed by Kelly Shackelford
with Liberty Institute

Who is Elena Kagan, President Obama’s nomination for the Supreme Court? Is she really THAT bad? Kelly Shackelford, with Liberty Institute, gives more insight. Log on to and also become a fan on FB!

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October 5, 2005

Title: Conservative Media Distort Mier's Record
Topic: Supreme Court Nomination Process
Discussed by Cliff Kincaid
with America's Survival (

Even conservative news organizations must double and triple check the accuracy of the "facts" in thier news stories.World News Daily distorted the documents cited as evidence Miers personally endorsed "the establishment of the International Criminal Court", and Homosexual adoptions. log onto

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August 29, 2005

Title: Isn't turn about fair play?
Topic: Supreme Court Nomination Process
Discussed by Phyllis Schlafly
with Eagle Forum (

Liberals hate hypocrisy and are quick to point out the splinter of hypocrisy in the eye of the conservative- but can't see the beam in their own eye.

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August 25, 2005

Title: Senator Feistein: Are you listening
Topic: Supreme Court Nomination Process
Discussed by Connie Mackey
with Family Research Council (

Will America see the true "left" during the upcoming confirmation process? Pray for Senator John Cornyn.

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August 5, 2005

Title: Should conservatives BORK Roberts
Topic: Supreme Court Nomination Process
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Roe v. Wade drives both sides in their efforts to expand or contract a woman's right to choose to kill the baby inside her womb.

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July 7, 2005

Title: Will Prolifers take the back seat to big business?
Topic: Supreme Court Nomination Process
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Who will become the next Supreme Court Justice? Since 1973, over 45 million babies have been killed because of past judicial decisions. Will America continue to kill more than a million babies every year? Brad Mattes encourages us to humbly pray seeking God's will in this matter. It is up to Christians now to pray and to be prepared to take the appropriate action.

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