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April 17, 2013

Title: Anger Management 911
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Part 1 of 4

Janet Pfeiffer has been a frequent guest over the years. She is the President of CEO of Pfeiffer Power Seminars, providing simple yet effective techniques that anyone can use to help confront, manage, and release angry feelings.

In this first segment today, Janet explains S.W.A.T.

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Shootings, stabbings, hostage situations, coaches going crazy and verbally and even physically harming their players, kill lists found on kids as young as 10 years old…The world is becoming a very scary place.

In this segment, Janet discusses the first 3 Underlying Factors in identifying aggressive behavior.

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

If you know someone who has been exhibiting odd or aggressive behavior, please do not wait to get help. Aggressors are often looking for a quick fix and not thinking about the consequences of their actions in the long-term, and this often results in them hurting themselves or others. Set limits and boundaries. Do not allow them to control you.

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Janet has over 20 years of experience with helping people all over the world to identify and deal with their anger issues. She can help you too!

Log on to  for her contact information.

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January 24, 2013

Title: The Real Solution to End Violent Massacres.
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Part 1 of 4

Do knives kill? Do cars kill? Does alcohol kill? Does smoking kill? Do drugs kill?

The list could go on and on and on…Murder is against the law. But we hear every day about someone else who is murdered at the hands of a loved one or a complete stranger. But what how can we end murder, especially horrific mass murders of innocent little children? Is taking away our guns the answer?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Janet is an anger management expert. In this second segment, she gives some insight as to why people commit such unthinkable crimes.

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

How can we eliminate violence with M&M’s? (Hint: it’s not the candy!) Will combating mental health solve the problem?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

There are several other issues at hand when dealing with someone who might become violent. In this final segment, Janet discusses those issues and some help to stop them from evolving into something more severe.

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December 27, 2012

Title: Are You One Fender Bender Away From Ruining Your Life?
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Part 1 of 6

How many Americans are in a midlife crisis at any given time?

Are these midlife crises and horrendous cases of road rage found only in Houston? Do people think clearly when they are angry?

Go to  where Anger 9-1-1 airs live every Wednesday morning from 11 AM to 12 PM eastern time.

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Title: Part 2 of 6
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

What can "Stop, Walk & Talk" do to save a life and to save somebody from heartache for the rest of their life?

Can you help someone who struggles with depression, anxiety, fear, or worry? Do people think clearly when they are angry?

Go to  where Anger 9-1-1 airs live every Wednesday morning from 11 AM to 12 PM eastern time.

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Title: Part 3 of 6
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Can you take the "Stop, Walk & Talk" method, and apply it to a home environment?

If someone keeps their mouth shut for fear of making matters worse, then becomes resentful for not speaking up - can you show us how to change that?

Go to  where Anger 9-1-1 airs live every Wednesday morning from 11 AM to 12 PM eastern time.

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Title: Part 4 of 6
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Help our listeners at the office - what should our listeners do if they are becoming irate due to the actions of a coworker? Should they go to their supervisor?

What is the name of your new book and what is your website? Can any of our listeners become a guest on your show?

Go to  where Anger 9-1-1 airs live every Wednesday morning from 11 AM to 12 PM eastern time.

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Title: Part 5 of 6
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

What is the number one reason we experience “Vacation Rage”? What should we do? First, we should know: “It’s going to happen!” Whatever “it is”, it is going to happen. So don’t let ‘that’ ruin your vacation.

What is the second issue that ‘will’ cause some to go into a rage? Great segment with Janet, so please pass it forward.

Learn more at .

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Title: Part 6 of 6
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Welcome to the last segment of the Terry Lowry Live Counseling Session! I am not a saint, but from time to time I do express some rage…so our guest, Janet helps me. I do hope and pray this will help you.

Janet shares: Five How To Avoid Travel Rage in this segment.

# 1: Plan ahead as much as possible.

# 2 Expect the unexpected: something will go wrong.

# 3 Put things in perspective. Did whatever cause the Space Shuttle land on the dark side of the moon? If not, no problem.

# 4 Find humor in the situation.

# 5 Forget the GPS, bring along your APS – your attitude positioning system!

Another great segment with Janet, so please pass it forward.

Learn more at

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July 24, 2012

Title: Anger Management: Are You Just One Fender Bender Away From Wrecking The Rest Of Your Life?
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Part 1 of 4

How many Americans are in a midlife crisis at any given time?

Are these midlife crises and horrendous cases of road rage found only in Houston? Do people think clearly when they are angry?

Go to where Anger 9-1-1 airs live every Wednesday morning from 11 AM to 12 PM eastern time.

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

What can "Stop, Walk & Talk" do to save a life and to save somebody from heartache for the rest of their life?

Can you help someone who struggles with depression, anxiety, fear, or worry? Do people think clearly when they are angry?

Go to where Anger 9-1-1 airs live every Wednesday morning from 11 AM to 12 PM eastern time.

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Can you take the "Stop, Walk & Talk" method, and apply it to a home environment?

If someone keeps their mouth shut for fear of making matters worse, then becomes resentful for not speaking up - can you show us how to change that?

Go to where Anger 9-1-1 airs live every Wednesday morning from 11 AM to 12 PM eastern time.

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Help our listeners at the office - what should our listeners do if they are becoming irate due to the actions of a coworker? Should they go to their supervisor?

What is the name of your new book and what is your website? Can any of our listeners become a guest on your show?

Go to where Anger 9-1-1 airs live every Wednesday morning from 11 AM to 12 PM eastern time.

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June 8, 2012

Title: If Your Are Going On Vacation, Please Remember to Take Your “Chill Pills”
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Part 1 of 2

What is the number one reason we experience “Vacation Rage”? What should we do? First, we should know: “It’s going to happen!” Whatever “it is”, it is going to happen. So don’t let ‘that’ ruin your vacation. What is the second issue that ‘will’ cause some to go into a rage? Great segment with Janet, so please pass it forward. Learn more at

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Welcome to the second segment of the Terry Lowry Live Counseling Session! I am not a saint, but from time to time I do express some rage…so our guest, Janet helps me. I do hope and pray this will help you.

Janet shares: Five How To Avoid Travel Rage  in this segment.

# 1: Plan ahead as much as possible.

# 2 Expect the unexpected: something will go wrong.

# 3 Put things in perspective. Did whatever cause the Space Shuttle land on the dark side of the moon? If not, no problem.

# 4 Find humor in the situation.

# 5 Forget the GPS, bring along your APS – your attitude positioning system!

Another great segment with Janet, so please pass it forward. Learn more at

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March 12, 2012

Title: Anger Management: Are You Just One Fender Bender Away From Wrecking The Rest Of Your Life?
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Part 1 of 4

How many Americans are in a midlife crisis at any given time?

Are these midlife crises and horrendous cases of road rage found only in Houston? Do people think clearly when they are angry?

Go to where Anger 9-1-1 airs live every Wednesday morning from 11 AM to 12 PM eastern time.

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

What can "Stop, Walk & Talk" do to save a life and to save somebody from heartache for the rest of their life?

Can you help someone who struggles with depression, anxiety, fear, or worry? Do people think clearly when they are angry?

Go to where Anger 9-1-1 airs live every Wednesday morning from 11 AM to 12 PM eastern time.

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Can you take the "Stop, Walk & Talk" method, and apply it to a home environment?

If someone keeps their mouth shut for fear of making matters worse, then becomes resentful for not speaking up - can you show us how to change that?

Go to where Anger 9-1-1 airs live every Wednesday morning from 11 AM to 12 PM eastern time.

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Help our listeners at the office - what should our listeners do if they are becoming irate due to the actions of a coworker? Should they go to their supervisor?

What is the name of your new book and what is your website? Can any of our listeners become a guest on your show?

Go to where Anger 9-1-1 airs live every Wednesday morning from 11 AM to 12 PM eastern time.

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October 12, 2011

Title: The Killer Was Described as a Peaceful, Loving Father Who Went to Church.
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

The shooter was described as a peaceful man who was always helping others. So why did he return to work and kill several co-workers? Did he have an anger control problem?

Anger Management Specialist Janet Pfeiffer helps us understand why he might have snapped and what we should look for in ourselves and others.

Janet’s great book, The Secret Side of Anger, is available on her website at

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Returning to work, Shareef Allman killed three co-workers and wounded six more. But why did he snap?

Anger Management Specialist Janet Pfeiffer discusses was to control your anger. One way is to S. W. and T. When you feel you blood pressure rising, simply Stop – then Walk away (just get in the other lane!) - then Talk to someone else – you might live longer!

Janet’s great book, The Secret Side of Anger, is available on her website at

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August 31, 2011

Title: How Do You Respond When Placed In a Sticky Situation?
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Part 1 of 2

If you are placed in a ‘sticky situation’, how do you respond? How do you control your possible anger?

Janet Pfeiffer shares some tips on ‘being prepared’ and why you should not lose your cool.

Realize that life sometimes will throw you a curve ball while others are watching you. So, how will you respond when punched in the gut? Our guest, Janet Pfeiffer is the author of The Secret side of Anger.

To order a copy, log onto

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Janet Pfeiffer shares five alternative solutions to maintaining your integrity when placed in a ‘sticky situation’.

Janet Pfeiffer shares some tips on ‘being prepared’ for when life throws you a curve ball and why you should not lose your cool. Tips you should consider:

1. Be prepared
2. Don’t throw a temper tantrum
3. Sometimes: refuse to answer: stop, talk and walk
4. No matter what: don’t attack: remain emotional detached, keep your emotions under control
5. Return hate and/or rudeness with calm respect

Our guest, Janet Pfeiffer is the author of The Secret side of Anger. To order a copy, log onto

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July 15, 2011

Title: The Casey Anthony Verdict: “Where Do We Go From Here?”
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Part 1 of 2

Not Since O.J. Simpson was acquitted in the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman has a verdict evoked such anger and outrage as in the case of Casey Anthony.

The “Not Guilty Verdict” is spawning a rash of postings on Twitter and social media sites from enraged citizens seeking justice for little Caylee. But, are some of venomous statements bordering on threats?

Is it possible to move beyond the anger, frustration, rage and hatred some are experiencing? Our guest, Janet Pfeiffer is the author of The Secret side of Anger.

To order a copy, log onto

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Spewing venom, making threats, promoting hatred and eternal damnation accomplishes nothing productive.

Whether it’s the Casey Anthony verdict that triggers inappropriate behavior or a myriad of other occurrences, Janet shares some steps we all can put to use to deal with anger in our lives.

Janet shares simple steps to expressing anger appropriately in her great book, The Secret side of Anger.

To order a copy, log onto

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June 22, 2011

Title: If Your Are Going On Vacation, Please Remember to Take Your “Chill Pills”
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Part 1 of 2

What is the number one reason we experience “Vacation Rage”? What should we do? First, we should know: “It’s going to happen!” Whatever “it is”, it is going to happen. So don’t let ‘that’ ruin your vacation. What is the second issue that ‘will’ cause some to go into a rage? Great segment with Janet, so please pass it forward. Learn more at

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Welcome to the second segment of the Terry Lowry Live Counseling Session! I am not a saint, but from time to time I do express some rage…so our guest, Janet helps me. I do hope and pray this will help you.

Janet shares: Five How To Avoid Travel Rage  in this segment.

# 1: Plan ahead as much as possible.

# 2 Expect the unexpected: something will go wrong.

# 3 Put things in perspective. Did whatever cause the Space Shuttle land on the dark side of the moon? If not, no problem.

# 4 Find humor in the situation.

# 5 Forget the GPS, bring along your APS – your attitude positioning system!

Another great segment with Janet, so please pass it forward. Learn more at

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March 4, 2011

Title: The Secret Side of Anger
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Segment 1 of 2

What’s causing Charlie Sheen’s erratic behavior and can we apply some new anger-management techniques in our lives today? Charlie’s recent tirades and rants are spewed with arrogance, anger, and venomous outbursts. “Until he admits he has a problem, he will not get better,” so says our guest today, Janet Pfeiffer. Listen in to what is really happening with Charlie Sheen and why he is destined to fail again. Can you learn something from the program today to apply in your own life? Send us your comments.

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Title: The Secret Side of Anger
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Segment 2 of 2

Stop. Walk. And Talk with someone else. Whether you are the one with a short fuse or a family member, friend, or co-worker is the one with anger control issues, how do you handle explosive situations? Do you need to stop, walk, and ‘cool down’? Log onto our website at  using the contact link in the menu bar, and send us your name, city, and the call letters of the station in your area which broadcasts the What’s UP Radio Program for your chance to win a free copy of The Secret Side of Anger by our guest, Janet Pfeiffer. Visit her website for more information.

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December 10, 2010

Title: The 12 Yea’s of Christmas. How to Have Harmony in the Home during the Holidays?
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Segment 1 of 3

What does Janet mean “minimize your time together” as a way to have harmony in the home for the holidays? Also, do you have “that relative” that grates on your nerves? If so, what should you do starting today to plan? Find more at

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Title: Set limits and boundaries with holiday guests. How to Have Harmony in the Home during the Holidays?
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Segment 2 of 3

Forgive the insensitive remarks, mistakes, lack of finesse of some holiday guests. And, how do you handle “that relative” or their dog? Janet continues with the 12 Yea’s of Christmas. Find more at

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Title: Stay Positive. Be quick to forgive and overlook remarks and behaviors. How to Have Harmony in the Home during the Holidays?
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Segment 3 of 3

Janet continues with the 12 Yea’s of Christmas. Find more at
Now, for all 12 YEA’s of Christmas. How to Have harmony in the Home for the Holidays:

1. Minimize your time together.
2. Plan ahead how you’re going to interact with one another.
3. Focus on something about them you like, admire; a fond memory. Use this as your opening conversation.
4. Remind yourself that the message of the Holidays is love (aka Kindness). Fill their stockings with kindness.
5. Refrain from judging and labeling.
6. Look beyond the outward behavior to the intrinsic individual.
7. Establish a commonality.
8. Move in for the KILL: Keep It Light, Larry (the conversation, that is) Avoid sensitive or controversial topics. Use humor.
9. Set limits and boundaries.
10. Forgive the insensitive remarks, mistakes, lack of finesse. Let things roll off your back
11. Stay positive
12. Be gracious, grateful and generous (of spirit).

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November 19, 2010

Title: Lord, help me accept those PEOPLE I cannot Change…?
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Segment 1 of 3

New version of the Serenity Prayer: “Lord, help me to accept those PEOPLE I cannot change; change the ONE I can; and give me the wisdom to know it’s ME.” How do we deal with anger in other people? Could we help them today?

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Title: Adults Sometime Need A Time-Out!
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Segment 2 of 3

Do adults sometime need “a Time-OUT”? Pick your battle and decide when to go to war! Stop. Walk. And find someone else to talk with to let off that steam! Janet Pfeiffer continues with tips on anger management

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Title: Lord, help me to change the ONE I can…ME!
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Segment 3 of 3

New version of the Serenity Prayer: “Lord, help me to accept those PEOPLE I cannot changer; change the ONE I can; and give me the wisdom to know it’s ME.” So much of our anger comes from situations we cannot change. So how should we deal with our frustration when we cannot change someone else or a situation? How can I learn to respond in a more positive way?

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September 30, 2010

Title: The Secret Side of Anger segment 1 of 2
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Janet Pfeiffer discusses anger management, how she has helped host Terry Lowry manage his “issues” with anger and stress, and how she can help you.

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Title: The Secret Side of Anger segment 2 of 2
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Stop, Walk, and Talk Method - unintended consequences; be careful how and when you use this tactic. Janet continues discussing how to manage anger. Janet Pfeiffer’s book The Secret Side of Anger teaches people how to reduce the anger in their lives and how to live with the anger that remains. Log onto Jannet’s website for more information:

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August 30, 2010

Title: Are You An Angry Worker? Expert Suggests Three Easy Steps On How To Get Along With Your Co-Workers Part 1 of 2
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Janet Pfeiffer is an award-winning author of the just released book, The Secret Side of Anger (    As a leading authority in the field of anger management and conflict resolution, Janet serves as a consultant to such organizations as the U.S. Army, U.S. Postal Service, and many other corporations and non-profit’s.

Most stressed out workers have a lack of understanding of the root cause of their anger which further leads to conflict and a miserable on-the-job experience.”

According to a new survey by the Pew Research Group, 55% of all adults in the labor force say they have suffered a cut in pay, a reduction in hours or have become involuntary part-time workers.

Furlough days, no bonuses, reductions in benefits, increased competition and no more company picnics have lead to a new era of anger in the workplace.

Once an angry worker realizes their emotions are about choices, how they think about work, feel about co-workers and what they say and do in the workplace, they can realize a new-found power and control that can lead to a less stressful and happier workplace and life in general.” says Pfeiffer.

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Title: Are You An Angry Worker? Expert Suggests Three Easy Steps On How To Get Along With Your Co-Workers Part 2 of 2
Topic: Anger Management
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Pfeiffer suggests 3 easy steps that can help avoid confrontation or dramatically reduce the significance of a workplace conflict.

Stop – Stop the momentum of a conflict and politely excuse yourself.
Walk – Take a walk to the water cooler, outside or to a friendly location and allow yourself to calm down.
Talk – Talk to yourself or another person until you have calmed down. Positive, affirming statements such as "I can handle this. I'm fine. This is not that bad" will reduce feelings of anger and frustration and restore your composure.

Unresolved or mismanaged anger leads to resentment and bitterness and can damage ones personal and professional relationships, career and overall health. Anger destroys millions of lives every day simply because people aren’t properly equipped to handle it." according to Pfeiffer

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