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April 29, 2013

Title: Lemonade Day‼‼
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Julie Eberly
with Lemonade Day (

Part 1 of 3

What does lemonade have to do with teaching kids responsibility, money management, charity, and work ethic? EVERYTHING!

Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Michael Dell all had lemonade stands as children. And look at them now! That could be your child in 20 years!

May 5th is Lemonade Day this year. Last year, over 160,000 kids setup their Lemonade stands and sold over $16,000,000 worth of Lemonade one glass at a time. They were encouraged to: spend a little, save a little and share a little. On their own, they gave away over $4,000,000 to charities of their choice. Log onto  for all the details. Down load the FREE Lemonade Day app at the iTunes store.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Julie Eberly
with Lemonade Day (

In 2007, Lemonade Day founder Michael Holthouse had a vision to empower today’s youth to become tomorrow’s entrepreneurs through helping them start, own, and operate their very own business: a lemonade stand. The goal this year is to have over 200,000 kids selling lemonade on Sunday May 5 – Lemonade Day.

Lemonade Day not only inspires children to work hard and make a profit, but it also encourages them to save a little and give away little. Some kids even choose to donate all their profits to charity!

Kids are always asking their parents for money. Why not download the Lemonade Day app FREE at the iTunes store, work through the 14 Lessons on everything they would need to know about choosing a location, building a stand, buying the ‘raw materials’, and selling the end product: Lemonade!

For more, log onto

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Julie Eberly
with Lemonade Day (

Log on to  to learn how you and your kids can make a difference in your community! Kids of all ages, from wee tots to kids going away to college next year, will have a BLAST decorating their booth and inventing new lemonade “flavors” and colors.

Warren Buffet, Michael Dell and Bill Gates all ran their own lemonade stands when they were kids. I wonder what principles they learned? Teach you kids from always asking for money to begin thinking, learning and then generating their own money. The principles they can learn from selling lemonade can be applied to babysitting, lawn mowing, dog walking, pet sitting…in America, the opportunities are endless.

Log onto  for all the details. Down load the FREE Lemonade Day app at the iTunes store.

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Title: Teach Your Children How to Generate Money - and Have Fun!
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Molly Young
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Teach your children how to generate money, participate in Lemonade Day 2013 the First Sunday in May. Michael Dell, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates all operated Lemonade Stands when they were kids.

Help your children pick a location, plan and purchase supplies, keeping track of all their expenses. When the day is over, help then reconcile their books by adding up their sales (money collected) and subtracting all the expenses and show them “how much money they generated”.

Then teach them how to spend some, save some, and share some. Let them decide.

We all can pledge to purchase a glass of lemonade on Lemonade Day.


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April 8, 2013

Title: Teach Your Children How to Generate Money - and Have Fun!
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Molly Young
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Teach your children how to generate money and participate in Lemonade Day 2013 the first Sunday in May. Michael Dell, Warren Buffet, and Bill Gates all operated Lemonade Stands when they were kids.

Help your children pick a location, plan and purchase supplies, and keep track of all their expenses. When the day is over, help them reconcile their books by adding up their sales and subtracting all the expenses and show them “how much money they generated”.

Then teach them how to spend some, save some, and share some. Let them decide who to share it with.

We all can pledge to purchase a glass of lemonade on Lemonade Day.


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Title: Lemonade Day‼‼
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Julie Eberly
with Lemonade Day (

Part 1 of 3

What does lemonade have to do with teaching kids responsibility, money management, charity, and work ethic? EVERYTHING!

Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Michael Dell all had lemonade stands as children. And look at them now! That could be your child in 20 years!

May 5th is Lemonade Day this year. Last year, over 160,000 kids setup their Lemonade stands and sold over $16,000,000 worth of Lemonade one glass at a time. They were encouraged to: spend a little, save a little, and share a little. On their own, they gave away over $4,000,000 to charities of their choice. Log onto  for all the details. Down load the FREE Lemonade Day app at the iTunes store.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Julie Eberly
with Lemonade Day (

In 2007, Lemonade Day founder Michael Holthouse had a vision to empower today’s youth to become tomorrow’s entrepreneurs through helping them start, own, and operate their very own business: a lemonade stand. The goal this year is to have over 200,000 kids selling lemonade on Sunday May 5 – Lemonade Day.

Lemonade Day not only inspires children to work hard and make a profit, but it also encourages them to save a little and give away little. Some kids even choose to donate all their profits to charity!

Kids are always asking their parents for money. Why not download the Lemonade Day app FREE at the iTunes store, work through the 14 Lessons on everything they would need to know about choosing a location, building a stand, buying the ‘raw materials’, and selling the end product: Lemonade! For more, log onto

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Julie Eberly
with Lemonade Day (

Log on to  to learn how you and your kids can make a difference in your community! Kids of all ages, from wee tots to kids going away to college next year, will have a BLAST decorating their booth and inventing new lemonade “flavors” and colors.

Warren Buffet, Michael Dell, and Bill Gates all ran their own lemonade stands when they were kids. The principles your children can learn from selling lemonade can be applied to babysitting, lawn mowing, dog walking, pet sitting…In America, the opportunities are endless.

Log onto  for all the details. Down load the FREE Lemonade Day app in the iTunes store.

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April 5, 2013

Title: Lemonade Day‼‼
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Julie Eberly
with Lemonade Day (

Part 1 of 3

What does lemonade have to do with teaching kids responsibility, money management, charity, and work ethic? EVERYTHING!

Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Michael Dell all had lemonade stands as children. And look at them now! That could be your child in 20 years!

May 5th is Lemonade Day this year. Last year, over 160,000 kids setup their Lemonade stands and sold over $16,000,000 worth of Lemonade one glass at a time. They were encouraged to: spend a little, save a little and share a little. On their own, they gave away over $4,000,000 to charities of their choice. Log onto  for all the details. Down load the FREE Lemonade Day app at the iTunes store.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Julie Eberly
with Lemonade Day (

In 2007, Lemonade Day founder Michael Holthouse had a vision to empower today’s youth to become tomorrow’s entrepreneurs through helping them start, own, and operate their very own business: a lemonade stand. The goal this year is to have over 200,000 kids selling lemonade on Sunday May 5 – Lemonade Day.

Lemonade Day not only inspires children to work hard and make a profit, but it also encourages them to save a little and give away little. Some kids even choose to donate all their profits to charity!

Kids are always asking their parents for money. Why not download the Lemonade Day app FREE at the iTunes store, work through the 14 Lessons on everything they would need to know about choosing a location, building a stand, buying the ‘raw materials’, and selling the end product: Lemonade! For more, log onto
The goal this year is to have over 200,000 kids selling lemonade on Sunday May 5 – Lemonade Day.

Lemonade Day not only inspires children to work hard and make a profit, but it also encourages them to save a little and give away little. Some kids even choose to donate all their profits to charity!

Kids are always asking their parents for money. Why not download the Lemonade Day app FREE at the iTunes store, work through the 14 Lessons on everything they would need to know about choosing a location, building a stand, buying the ‘raw materials’, and selling the end product: Lemonade!

For more, log onto

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Julie Eberly
with Lemonade Day (

Log on to  to learn how you and your kids can make a difference in your community! Kids of all ages, from wee tots to kids going away to college next year, will have a BLAST decorating their booth and inventing new lemonade “flavors” and colors.

Warren Buffet, Michael Dell and Bill Gates all ran their own lemonade stands when they were kids. I wonder what principles they learned? Teach you kids from always asking for money to begin thinking, learning and then generating their own money. The principles they can learn from selling lemonade can be applied to babysitting, lawn mowing, dog walking, pet sitting…in America, the opportunities are endless.

Log onto  for all the details. Down load the FREE Lemonade Day app at the iTunes store.

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April 2, 2013

Title: Teach Your Children How to Generate Money - and Have Fun!
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Molly Young
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Teach your children how to generate money, participate in Lemonade Day 2013 the First Sunday in May. Michael Dell, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates all operated Lemonade Stands when they were kids.

Help your children pick a location, plan and purchase supplies, keeping track of all their expenses. When the day is over, help then reconcile their books by adding up their sales (money collected) and subtracting all the expenses and show them “how much money they generated”.

Then teach them how to spend some, save some, and share some. Let them decide.

We all can pledge to purchase a glass of lemonade on Lemonade Day.


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April 25, 2011

Title: Lemonade Day This Sunday, May 1st
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Julie Eberly
with Lemonade Day (

Lemonade Stands in the summer time are as common as hot dogs, baseball, and swimming in the neighborhood pool. Stop by a Lemonade Stand a buy a glass of lemonade this Sunday, May 1st, Lemonade Day. Thousands upon thousands of young entrepreneurs will be setting up Lemonade Stands all across America Sunday afternoon. It’s not too late to participate. Log onto for all the details.

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April 14, 2011

Title: There is still time for your kids to participate in Lemonade Day which is Sunday May 1st!
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Julie Eberly
with Lemonade Day (

Over 67,000 kids participated from across America last year. Collectively they sold over $6.8 million of lemonade in one afternoon. They are encouraged to spend a little, save a littlee, and share a little. Taking the latter principle to heart, they gave over $2 million dollars to charities of their choice. Julie Eberly encourages all parents to have their children to participate in Lemonade Day this year. To obtain their backpack with all the “How-To-Manuals” simply log onto  for all the information.

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April 13, 2011

Title: It’s Not Too Late For Your Kids to Participate in Lemonade Day May 1st
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Julie Eberly
with Lemonade Day (

It’s not too late to pick up or order your kids backpack for Lemonade Day which is Sunday, May 1st. Julie Eberly encourages all kids to participate. It’s easy and it’s super fun. Kids get a taste of running their own business by setting up a lemonade stand. 67,000 kids participated last year across America, selling over $6.8 million of lemonade and giving back over 2 million dollars to the charities of their choice. Julie Eberly encourages kids everywhere to pick up their backpacks or order one on line. Parents and other committed adults that work with kids can help youngsters learn about running their own business. Workbooks and material for both the kids and adults are included in the backpacks. Log on today! More information can be found at

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March 24, 2011

Title: What did Michael Dell, Warren Buffett, and Bill Gates learn while operating their Lemonade Stands as youngsters?
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Julie Eberly
with Lemonade Day (

We may never know exactly what Michael Dell, Warren Buffett, and Bill Gates learned while operating their own Lemonade Stands as youngsters, but one thing for sure, your kids can learn a lot about life by participating in Lemonade Day on May 1st. Last year over 66,000 kids participating in Lemonade Day across America. The cornerstone of the project is to teach kids about owning their owning business. They are taught to “Spend a Little, Save a Little, and Share a Little”. Last week, over 10,000 kids signed up on their twitter page. More information can be found at

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March 3, 2011

Title: 67,000 Kids Sold 6.8 Million Dollars in Lemonade Giving Over 2 Million Dollars to Charities
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Julie Eberly
with Lemonade Day (

Last year over 67,000 kids sold over 6.8 million dollars of lemonade on May 1st and gave over 2 million dollars to charities of their choice.   Julie Eberly, the Chief (Evangelist) Expansion Officer with Lemonade Day explains how kids in nearly 30 cities across America can learn entrepreneurial skills they can use the rest of their lives.  Michael Dell, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates all had lemonade stands when they were kids. Lemonade Day this year will be May 1st. Log onto  for all the details. 

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February 23, 2011

Title: Lemonade Day, May 1st, Fast Approaching
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Julie Eberly
with Lemonade Day (

What is it that Warren Buffett, Michael Dell and Bill Gates have in common? As young boys, the three all had ‘lemonade stands’. Now, they are great entrepreneurs. This year, on Sunday May 1st tens of thousands of kids across America will set up lemonade stands with help and assistance from a great organization “Lemonade Day” found at

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May 21, 2010

Title: Lemonade Day: A success Story, One “Stand” at a Time Segment 1 of 2
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Julie Eberly
with Lemonade Day (

Teachable moments - Teachable projects for the Summer

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Title: Lemonade Day: A success Story, One “Stand” at a Time Segment 2 of 2
Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Julie Eberly
with Lemonade Day (

Teachable moments - Teachable projects for the Summer

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April 28, 2010

Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Julie Eberly
with Lemonade Day (

How much money can Houston children raise for charities this Sunday selling lemonade? Log on to to sign up!

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April 22, 2010

Topic: Lemonade Day
Discussed by Julie Eberly
with Lemonade Day (

On Sunday, May 2, hundreds of thousands of kids will participate in a charity awareness day “Lemonade Day”. Log on to to register your kids, Sunday school class, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Youth Group, etc…

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