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January 2, 2018

Title: Have You Ever Really Read the Bible?
Topic: Bible Reading
Discussed by Paul Batura
with Focus on the Family

In the western world, most Christians have their own Bible, if not two or three. However, a love for the Scriptures and an appreciation for the ability to read them does not always come naturally to people, especially children. How can parents peak their children’s interest in reading God's Word?

Paul Batura is the Vice President of Communications for Focus on the Family. Listen in as he offers encouragement to parents on this important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.

What percent of Christians actually read their Bible? Lifeway recently did a study on this very subject and you will be shocked with the results!

Are God’s people missing the mark because they aren’t reading their Bible?

Does reading the Bible on the regular basis encourage children to stay in church into adulthood? Listen as Paul Batura discusses this as well as the second activity which encourages them to stay in church: prayer.

How can parents encourage their children to read the Bible more? Practice what you preach, parents! Read an actual Bible, not an app on your phone or tablet. Read a Bible story with your kids – no matter their age – after dinner or at bedtime. (This is a suggestion from host, Terry Lowry!)

Paul shares a story about a cow’s tongue and the power of words. Listen in (it’s not really gross!)

For more parenting tips and suggestions, click here  or call 1.800.AFAMILY

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November 10, 2017

Title: Have You Ever Really Read the Bible?
Topic: Bible Reading
Discussed by Paul Batura
with Focus on the Family

In the western world, most Christians have their own Bible, if not two or three. However, a love for the Scriptures and an appreciation for the ability to read them does not always come naturally to people, especially children. How can parents peak their children’s interest in reading God's Word?

Paul Batura is the Vice President of Communications for Focus on the Family. Listen in as he offers encouragement to parents on this important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.

What percent of Christians actually read their Bible? Lifeway recently did a study on this very subject and you will be shocked with the results!

Are God’s people missing the mark because they aren’t reading their Bible?

Does reading the Bible on the regular basis encourage children to stay in church into adulthood? Listen as Paul Batura discusses this as well as the second activity which encourages them to stay in church: prayer.

How can parents encourage their children to read the Bible more? Practice what you preach, parents! Read an actual Bible, not an app on your phone or tablet. Read a Bible story with your kids – no matter their age – after dinner or at bedtime. (This is a suggestion from host, Terry Lowry!)

Paul shares a story about a cow’s tongue and the power of words. Listen in (it’s not really gross!)

For more parenting tips and suggestions, click here  or call 1.800.AFAMILY

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