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March 11, 2021

Title: New Parent Rules for Faith-Based Foster/Adoption Agencies
Topic: Faith-Based Foster/Adoption Agencies
Discussed by Dr. Sharen Ford
with Wait No More (

Recently, Bethany Christian Services announced that they will place children in adoptive LGBT families, reversing their decades-long commitment to serving families with a biological mother and father. Was this a voluntary decision? Or were they “forced” to switch their policy?

Dr. Sharen Ford, Director of I Care about Orphans at Focus on the Family, responded with this statement: “It’s heartbreaking to think that an organization I’ve respected and worked with for 30 years has been so consistently attacked and forced to fight this fight. It should never have been a fight.”

Click here for more information about the “I Care about Orphans” initiative with Focus on the Family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Much like choosing a baker with like beliefs, are there government and non-government agencies that a same-sex couple can turn to for assistance in becoming foster and/or adoptive parents?

Faith-based organizations have been allowed to operate within their Biblically-held beliefs for decades. Why are they now being attacked?

Does data consistently show that families with a mother and father are best for children?

Should faith-based organizations be permitted to help children without compromising their convictions?

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