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May 13, 2024

Title: May: National Foster Care Month
Topic: National Foster Care Month
Discussed by Dr. Sharen Ford
with Wait No More (

James 4:17 (ESV) “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.”

Dr. Sharen Ford, with Wait No More, gives details about National Foster Care Month and how you can help.

Click here for more information about Wait No More, a division of Focus on the Family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many children are currently in the foster care system across the nation?

What is the purpose and mission of Wait No More?

What free resources are available from Wait No More? Click here  for all the info.

How can we pray for Wait No More? Click here for the free prayer guide.

Click here to help support Focus on the Family, the parent company for Wait No More.

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April 12, 2024

Title: Helping and Protecting Children in Need
Topic: Child Abuse
Discussed by Dr. Sharen Ford
with Wait No More (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as legal advice. Always consult your attorney for advice on this and other legal issues.

Statistics indicate that one-in-four children are subjected to some sort of abuse in America.

Today, Dr. Sharen Ford discusses the different types of child abuse and how to recognize the signs. Dr. Ford is the Director of Foster Care and Adoption for Focus on the Family.

Dr. Ford reminds us: “God is still in control. We, as the Body of Christ, have the responsibility and the opportunity to pray for our children, to pray for families, and to pray for communities. Prayer does change things.”

Click here for more information about Wait No More, which is dedicated to helping the children and families in foster and adoptive care.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can child abuse be emotional?

Can child abuse be physical?

Can child abuse be sexual?

Can child abuse be neglect?

Can a child experience all four types of abuse at the same time?

Does abuse often impact the child for life?

How can we recognize when a child is being abused?

Does every person have a responsibility to report suspected child abuse?

Click here to help support Focus on the Family, the parent company for Wait No More.

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July 31, 2023

Title: Every Act of Kindness Helps
Topic: Helping Foster Caregivers
Discussed by Dr. Sharen Ford
with Wait No More (

Not every person is called to be a foster or adoptive parent. However, every person IS called to help in some way.

Dr. Sharen Ford serves as the Director for Foster Care and Adoption at Focus on the Family and is committed to raising awareness regarding the ability of every listener to help from small ways to bigger ways. Today, she shares how everyone can pitch in to make life a little easier for foster and adoptive families.

Click here or more information about Wait No More, which is dedicated to helping the children and families in foster and adoptive care.

Click here for more information from Focus on the Family on foster and adoption care.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Church called to care for the orphans? Dr. Ford says: “YES! YES! AND YES!”

What are some small ways people can help foster/adoptive families? Dr. Ford mentions: buy some groceries, offer to clean their house/wash dishes/do chores, and volunteer in kids’ ministry.

Click here to support Wait No More as they help and encourage churches, families, and individuals in the foster and adoption care system.

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April 17, 2023

Title: April: National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Topic: National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Discussed by Dr. Sharen Ford
with Wait No More (

Part 1 of 3

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as legal advice. Always consult your attorney for advice on this and other legal issues.

Dr. Sharen Ford serves as the Director for Foster Care and Adoption at Focus on the Family. She is a nationally-recognized child welfare consultant and the retired Manager for Permanency Services for the Colorado Department of Human Services in the Division of Child Welfare Services. Dr. Ford retired with 30 years of comprehensive work history with the department. She also served as the President of the National Association of State Adoption Programs (NASAP).

Today, Dr. Ford discusses how to act, recognize, and support children who are in harmful and abusive situations.

Click here for more from Dr. Sharen Ford.

Click here to support Focus on the Family’s efforts to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is Dr. Ford so committed to raising awareness regarding the need for every child to have a quality family?

As Christians, is it our responsibility and obligation to love on and care for God’s children everywhere we go – home, church, school, and in our community? James 1:27Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - April: National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Topic: National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Discussed by Dr. Sharen Ford
with Wait No More (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as legal advice. Always consult your attorney for advice on this and other legal issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are children vulnerable in many ways?

What are some signs that a child might be being abused or neglected?

If we see something, should we say something?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - April: National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Topic: National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Discussed by Dr. Sharen Ford
with Wait No More (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as legal advice. Always consult your attorney for advice on this and other legal issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What legal responsibilities do grandparents have if they suspect their grandchild is being abused or neglected?

Why should single parents be extra careful with “live-in relationships”? Is there a greater risk for child abuse?

What legal responsibilities do Sunday School teachers have?

How can the Church help?

If you or someone you know needs help and it is an emergency situation, call 911.

If you or someone you know would like advice, contact Focus on the Family at 1.855.771.HELP or click here.

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March 2, 2023

Title: Every Act of Kindness Helps
Topic: Helping Foster Caregivers
Discussed by Dr. Sharen Ford
with Wait No More (

Not every person is called to be a foster or adoptive parent. However, every person IS called to help in some way.

Dr. Sharen Ford serves as the Director for Foster Care and Adoption at Focus on the Family and is committed to raising awareness regarding the ability of every listener to help from small ways to bigger ways. Today, she shares how everyone can pitch in to make life a little easier for foster and adoptive families.

Click here or more information about Wait No More, which is dedicated to helping the children and families in foster and adoptive care.

Click here for more information from Focus on the Family on foster and adoption care.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Church called to care for the orphans? Dr. Ford says: “YES! YES! AND YES!”

What are some small ways people can help foster/adoptive families? Dr. Ford mentions: buy some groceries, offer to clean their house/wash dishes/do chores, and volunteer in kids’ ministry.

Click here to support Wait No More as they help and encourage churches, families, and individuals in the foster and adoption care system.

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November 1, 2022

Title: Do Families Matter?
Topic: Adoption
Discussed by Dr. Sharen Ford
with Wait No More (

November is National Adoption Awareness Month. With the holidays just around the corner, the importance of having a place to call home is only heightened.

Dr. Sharen Ford is the Director for Foster Care and Adoption at Focus on the Family. Today, Dr. Ford discusses ways churches and individuals can help foster and adoptive families.

Dr. Ford says: “Satan is not happy when families stick together. Satan is not happy when the church is doing what God has called them to do. God sets the lonely in families. Where do they belong? They belong in Christian foster homes.”

Click here for more information about Wait No More, a division of Focus on the Family, which is dedicated to helping the children and families in foster and adoptive care.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do families matter, especially during the holidays?

How has foster parenting changed over the years?

What is the biggest obstacle to finding a stable and inviting home for a child in foster? Dr. Ford explains that many people do not believe that they will be enough for the foster children – that they won’t be able to provide what the children really need. She also believes case workers often don’t have enough faith that children can and will find a forever home.

How can churches and individuals come alongside foster and adoptive families to help lighten the financial cost? Dr. Ford has quite a few fantastic suggestions. Share them with the mission’s director/pastor at your church and get involved today!

Click here to donate to Wait No More as they help and encourage churches and individuals.

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November 8, 2021

Title: Lockdown Triggered Tragic Jump in Child Abuse Allegations
Topic: Child Abuse
Discussed by Dr. Sharen Ford
with Wait No More (

Dr. Sharen Ford is the Program Director for Focus on the Family’s adoption and orphan care efforts. At the beginning of lockdowns, Dr. Ford worried about the dramatic drop in calls to Child Protective Services. She knew it didn’t mean abuse wasn’t happening, but rather that the abuse wasn’t being reported.

Click here for the study presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are there indications that child abuse tripled during the 2020 lockdown?

What may have contributed to the tripling of child abuse during the 2020 lockdown? Dr. Ford discusses job and income loss, homelessness, and drug and alcohol abuse.

Why is November “National Adoption Month”?

What would happen if every church supported an adoptive family within their membership? Dr. Ford believes this would be a game-changer.

How many children are currently in foster care free to be adopted in the United States?

How can Focus on the Family assist local churches and church families with adoption and orphan care efforts?

Click here for more information about Focus on the Family’s “Wait No More” initiative.

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June 28, 2021

Title: National Reunification Month
Topic: National Reunification Month
Discussed by Dr. Sharen Ford
with Wait No More (

Dr. Sharon Ford discusses National Reunification Month, which shines a spotlight on promoting successful partnerships between birth parents, caregivers, and caseworkers to achieve child welfare's ultimate goal: the reunification of children and families.

Dr. Ford is the Program Director for Focus on the Family’s adoption and orphan care efforts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there often much pain behind the heartbreaking decision to remove a child/children away from their biological parent or parents?

When a child is removed from a home, is the ultimate goal always reunification (if possible)?

Is there ever concern when reunifying a child with their biological parents? Dr. Ford explains that sometimes a slow process is better than a quick one…

Overall, do children do better with biological parents (as long as it is a safe environment)?

How can the community, the church, and individuals help both biological and foster families during the reunification process?

Click here for more information about the Wait No More organization, a division of Focus on the Family, that helps biological, foster, and adoptive families.

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April 13, 2021

Title: April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Topic: National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Discussed by Dr. Sharen Ford
with Wait No More (

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Child abuse prevention truly is possible, but every family needs support – even healthy families. We know that children in the welfare system suffer maltreatment at a much higher rate than the rest of the population, but prevention is a practical tool that applies to everyone.

Dr. Sharen Ford is the Director of foster care and adoption at Focus on the Family. Today she discusses why this topic needs more attention. Everyone can do something.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is this year’s theme for National Child Abuse Prevention Month “Prevention with Purpose”?

Dr. Ford says: “The goal of this month is to unite families and communities – to rally together for the sake of our most precious assets: our children. The best tool we have to protect our vulnerable children is prevention, prevention, prevention.”

Are more and more states invested in keeping families together (after they receive the help they need)?

How can we help as individuals?

How can our small groups help?

How can our churches help?

Click here  for the Resource Guide Dr. Ford discusses in this segment.

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March 11, 2021

Title: New Parent Rules for Faith-Based Foster/Adoption Agencies
Topic: Faith-Based Foster/Adoption Agencies
Discussed by Dr. Sharen Ford
with Wait No More (

Recently, Bethany Christian Services announced that they will place children in adoptive LGBT families, reversing their decades-long commitment to serving families with a biological mother and father. Was this a voluntary decision? Or were they “forced” to switch their policy?

Dr. Sharen Ford, Director of I Care about Orphans at Focus on the Family, responded with this statement: “It’s heartbreaking to think that an organization I’ve respected and worked with for 30 years has been so consistently attacked and forced to fight this fight. It should never have been a fight.”

Click here for more information about the “I Care about Orphans” initiative with Focus on the Family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Much like choosing a baker with like beliefs, are there government and non-government agencies that a same-sex couple can turn to for assistance in becoming foster and/or adoptive parents?

Faith-based organizations have been allowed to operate within their Biblically-held beliefs for decades. Why are they now being attacked?

Does data consistently show that families with a mother and father are best for children?

Should faith-based organizations be permitted to help children without compromising their convictions?

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March 10, 2020

Title: Help Foster Caregivers
Topic: Helping Foster Caregivers
Discussed by Dr. Sharen Ford
with Wait No More (

Statistics show the number of children taken out of their homes because of drug abuse has more than doubled since 2000. This has added more strain on the foster care system in America.

Dr. Sharen Ford is the Program Director for Focus on the Family’s Adoption and Orphan Care Efforts. In this role, she helps to raise awareness of the need for adoptive families to provide loving and stable homes for the more than 100,000 waiting children in the U.S. foster care system.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many American children are in the foster care system? How many of those in foster care are available TODAY to be adopted?

Why is it more difficult to become a foster/adoptive parent? Is this a GOOD thing?

The opioid crisis has caused many children to be in heartbreaking situations. How can Christians help?

Dr. Ford says: “There is room for everyone at the table. There is something for everyone to do. Just be willing to say ‘use me’.”

Click here to learn more about how YOU can help Focus on the Family’s “Wait No More” ministry.

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October 11, 2018

Title: Helping Foster Children and Foster Parents
Topic: Foster Care
Discussed by Dr. Sharen Ford
with Wait No More (

On any given day, there are nearly 438,000 children in foster care in the United States.  In addition, it is estimated that more than 13 million children are living in homes with their grandparents.

Dr. Sharen Ford serves as the Adoption Consultant for I Care about Orphans, part of Focus on the Family. Dr. Ford is a nationally recognized child welfare consultant and the retired Manager for Permanency Services for the Colorado Department of Human Services in the Division of Child Welfare Services.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

More often than not, do children in foster care have fairly miserable young lives?

How can the average foster parent create happy memories for the child or children in their care?

Why is it important to ignore the texts, emails, and TV and engage with children?

Why is training required in order to become a foster parent, grandparent, or respite caregiver?

Click here for more parenting help.

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January 17, 2018

Title: Adoption is a Loving Option
Topic: Adoption
Discussed by Dr. Sharen Ford
with Wait No More (

Too many children are left to sleep in a cold, unfeeling room in a county building because there are not enough loving families willing to open their homes.

Dr. Sharen Ford is the Program Director for Focus on the Family’s adoption and orphan care efforts. Listen as she reveals just how desperate the need is and how you can help – even if you are not called to foster or adopt, you can help others who are.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is adoption truly a loving option?

What type of circumstance occur when children are placed in foster care?

How many children are awaiting adoption today in the US Foster Care System?

Is everyone called by God to adopt? HINT: No, but everyone can do something, specifically pray.

Listen as Dr. Sharen Ford explains some of the barriers regarding adoption.

Click here  for more resources and information regarding adoption.

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