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June 30, 2020

Title: Witches Joining Forces with Antifa
Topic: Antifa Exposed
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

One peculiar aspect of the civil unrest following George Floyd’s death was the presence of Satanists and witches invoking dark powers to aid those participating in the violence.

John Horvat describes the connection this way: "Witch's covens are actively engaged in hexing police, whom they accuse of brutality. They also cast spells to protect rioters. A TikTok hashtag promoting hexing and spell had ten million views.”

John Horvat is the author of Return to Order.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are witches involved in the BLM/Antifa violence?

What are some of the witch’s “activities”?

Is the occult becoming more and more mainstream?

What do followers of the occult and the left have in common?

Why should Americans, especially Christians, take the witch’s involvement with BLM and Antifa seriously?

How can Christians fight against the witches and their influence?

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June 16, 2020

Title: Antifa Exposed
Topic: Antifa Exposed
Discussed by Dr. Professor Mary Grabar
with Dr. Professor Mary Grabar (

Part 1 of 3

President Trump recently labeled Antifa a domestic terrorist group. In rebuttal, journalist and Professor Mark Bray compared the group to the Boston Tea Party participants. Is this an accurate portrayal?

Dr. Professor Mary Grabar is a Resident Fellow at the Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization and Executive Director of Dissident Prof.  Today, Mary sets the record straight about Antifa and what their true goals are.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What did Mark Bray write about Antifa? In Mary’s opinion, was he truthful or did he lie?

Does Antifa have a centralized command, organization hierarchy? Or are they just a disorganized gang of volunteers working against racism, imperialism, white supremacy, and police brutality?

Are most Antifa members  millennials? Have they been spoon-fed lies to stimulate their hatred towards America and capitalism?

Did Mark Bray trace Antifa’s heritage back to the radicals who resisted Mussolini and Hitler, to paint them as saints?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Antifa Exposed
Topic: Antifa Exposed
Discussed by Dr. Professor Mary Grabar
with Dr. Professor Mary Grabar (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has Mark Bray stated that Antifa is the only alternative to our current government, which he calls a fascist menace?

Does Mark Bray call for a system in which all contribute voluntarily to the economy according to their abilities and needs?

Does Mark Bray call this new government/economic system socialism or communism?

Has the utopian form of government which Mark Bray wishes for America ever been successful?

Does Mark Bray believe “we” are the enemy of the people?

Does Antifa believe that it is appropriate to employ violence, incivility, discrimination, and disruption to those whom they deem guilty of “white supremacy, hetero-patriarchy, class oppression, and genocide”?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Antifa Exposed
Topic: Antifa Exposed
Discussed by Dr. Professor Mary Grabar
with Dr. Professor Mary Grabar (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Mark Bray defend a person’s right to their own opinion?

Why is Mark Bray so focused on Trump supporters?

Does Mark Bray openly advocate violence and intimidation to make Trump supporters “recede into hiding”?

Did Mark Bray also stated: “Our goal should be that in twenty years those who voted for Trump are too uncomfortable to share that fact in public”?

Do Conservatives really understand the depth and breadth of the true goals of Antifa and the danger to our way of life?

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