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May 18, 2020

Title: Prayer Shaming: A New Front in the Culture War
Topic: Prayer Shaming
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Part 1 of 2

A new front has opened in the Culture War. Now the Left is targeting prayer. The controversy was triggered by political leaders who traditionally send messages of condolences offering their “thoughts and prayers” to victims and their families.

John Horvat, the author of Return to Order, writes: “Such innocent expressions of comfort have enraged liberals who claim the idea of prayer, especially in times of a shooting, is meaningless. Even prayer can be politicized as some protesters have resorted to shaming prayer.”

More on this topic can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

After a tragedy strikes, should we refrain from offering our “thoughts and prayers”?

Are the atheists/agnostics just big bullies?

Are they really “Prayer Shamers”?

In the Bible, does God constantly plead with His people to call upon Him?

Why is prayer important?

Does God desire to help humanity? Does He want us to cry out to Him for help?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Prayer Shaming: A New Front in the Culture War
Topic: Prayer Shaming
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Many people pray this way: “God if you do this, I’ll do that.” Is this right or wrong?

Does God hear every prayer from every person? Does He answer every prayer from every person? Is His answer sometimes “no, I have something better” or “have patience”?

How can we pray effectively? John says: “Many people pray this way: “God if you do this, I’ll do that.” Is this right or wrong?

Does God hear every prayer from every person? Does He answer every prayer from every person? Is His answer sometimes “no, I have something better” or “have patience”?

How can we pray effectively? John says: “Be humble, constant, and persistent.

Is there power in prayer?

John Horvat wrote in his op-ed Prayer Shaming: A New Front in the Culture War (linked above): “Indeed, prayer shamers would be less effective if Christians had less shame in praying.” Today, he encourages us all to pray more and pray often.

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