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May 4, 2020

Title: Can China Be Sued?
Topic: Mark Lanier Comments on China
Discussed by W. Mark Lanier
with Lanier Law Firm (

On Friday, May 1st, we had Riley Walters on to discuss “China Must Be Held Accountable for COVID-19”. Riley is a Policy Analyst in the Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy at The Heritage Foundation.

Today, attorney Mark Lanier discusses the logistics of a possible lawsuit against the Chinese Government. Mark Lanier can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Worldwide, hundreds of thousands have died from the coronavirus with over 60,000 deaths across the US. In Mark’s opinion, who is to blame? Is God to blame? Is China to blame? Are individual governments to blame?

Can China be held responsible and liable for damages? What court would have jurisdiction?

What is “discovery”? Will discovery be problematic in any Coronavirus lawsuit? Is this an expensive process?

Do we need to change or update some laws in the US regarding this issue? Can bi-partisan legislators work together? Why is Mark Lanier pursuing this issue so passionately? Hint: if a wrongdoer is not held accountable, they will just commit wrong again…and again…

What are the odds of a successful lawsuit? What are the odds of successfully recovering money damages?

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