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November 27, 2019

Title: Did God Really Design Us?
Topic: Big Bang Designed?
Discussed by Eric Lyons
with Apologetics Press (

Part 1 of 2

Too many people are under the perception that God did not have a hand in designing the world. In fact, many are actually redefining history.

Eric Lyons has been with the Bible Department with Apologetics Press since 2001. Today he discusses the General Theory of Evolution, snowmen, and God’s design.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the General Theory of Evolution unequivocally state “all the matter in the universe was concentrated into one very dense, very hot region that may have been much smaller than a period [at the end of a sentence]”?

Does the General Theory of Evolution claim that this mass exploded into what we now call the universe?

If we waited and watched through snow storm after snow storm, will two snowmen hatch because of any snowflake?

Do some people really believe that man and woman, as complicated and intricate as we are, just evolved from a blob of non-life, into a single-cell life form, and eventually into humans?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Did God Really Design Us?
Topic: Big Bang Designed?
Discussed by Eric Lyons
with Apologetics Press (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Parents: Disassemble a toy and put all the parts in a box. Bring your child into the room and tell them to shake the box and put their toy back together. Does it work? No? Explain to your kids that is theory of evolution!

Do some people really believe that there is no mind, no intelligence, and no designer who created the Universe and everything in it?

Is there evidence of design found in everything in the universe?

Do those who believe and teach the General Theory of Evolution blindly accept there is no PROOF this is occurring today?

Why does Eric personally believe there is a designer God?

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