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November 1, 2019

Title: News & Views I cannot Show on the Playground
Topic: Views I cannot Show on the Playground
Discussed by David Walls
with Texas Values (

Part 1 of 3

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Austin ISD has adopted a horrific, graphic, disgusting sex education program. Many, many parents are appalled and are protesting the material.

Even if you don’t live in Austin ISD, you MUST pay attention to these segments. The homosexual agenda is alive in each and every public school district in Texas.

David Walls, Vice President of Texas Values, has more details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Could the same sex education material being distributed to Austin ISD school-age children be handed out by parents on the playground?

Why did David and other leaders copy images from the material to distribute to parents?

NOTE: The curriculum is over 1,100 pages long!!! Why? Is this to discourage parents from reading all the material before it is given to their children?

How long does it take to inculcate children in sex education?

How many Austin ISD school board members voted in favor of this radical sex education material?

David Wells doesn’t believe that any of the board members even read the material. “This is weaponizing education that is in direct conflict of most parents and families.,” David says. Listen as he explains why…

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - News & Views I cannot Show on the Playground
Topic: Views I cannot Show on the Playground
Discussed by David Walls
with Texas Values (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was the sex education material being changed during the vote?

Does the Austin ISD material introduce sexual orientation and gender identity concepts to children as young as 3rd grade?

Does the curriculum have role-play scenarios of a “young girl/adult sexual relationship”?

We will not mention the Canadian website that the curriculum encourages children/teens to visit. (Listen to the segments for the name.) Does this website also offer information to children/teens on how to obtain an abortion without notifying their parents?

Do 5th graders need to know how to buy and use a condom?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - News & Views I cannot Show on the Playground
Topic: Views I cannot Show on the Playground
Discussed by David Walls
with Texas Values (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was the sex education material being changed during the vote?

Does the Austin ISD material introduce sexual orientation and gender identity concepts to children as young as 3rd grade?

Does the curriculum have role-play scenarios of a “young girl/adult sexual relationship”?

We will not mention the Canadian website that the curriculum encourages children/teens to visit. (Listen to the segments for the name.) Does this website also offer information to children/teens on how to obtain an abortion without notifying their parents?

Do 5th graders need to know how to buy and use a condom?

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