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August 16, 2019

Title: Student Loan Debt: What’s the Answer?
Topic: You Pay: Student Loan Debt
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Democrats in Congress – including a number of candidates for President – have proposed tens of trillions of dollars in new “free” government programs. But are Republicans any better?

Tom Schatz, President of Citizens Against Government Waste, says: “We need statesmen who will do what is best for The United States of America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First, what is Citizens Against Government Waste? How much has CAGW saved the American taxpayer since 1984?

Is forgiving student college loan debt just plain unfair to past generations? Is giving future generations free college a good idea? Is this, once again, unfair to past generations?

Do Democrats hide the truth from millennials on how much “free college” will actually cost them in the long-run?

If an individual fails to pay their student loan debt, who eventually pays the college/university?

What can we learn about government debt from Medicare/Medicaid?

Is the idea of paying off/forgiving all current college debt popular or unpopular? This answer may surprise you!!

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