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March 7, 2024

Title: What Happens with a Government Shutdown?
Topic: Government Shutdown
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Tom Schatz is the President of Council for Citizens Against Government Waste. Today, Tom discusses our ever-increasing national debt, who holds the debt, and what could happen with a complete government shutdown.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Whose fault is it that that Congress refuses to be responsible?

What happens if an appropriation’s bill is not passed and signed by the President? Does the entire Federal Government shut down? Tom Schatz explains that nothing really shutdowns for government employees.

How much has the national debt skyrocketed since Biden took office?

Who holds our debt? If you think it’s China or Japan, you’re wrong!

Can we just refuse to pay our debt or ask for total forgiveness?

Is our national debt greater than the money we spend on our national defense?

What is the mission and purpose of the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste?

Are there many organizations in WDC that focus solely on reducing government spending?

How many organizations in WDC focus on spending more and more of the government’s money?

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January 4, 2019

Title: How is the Government Shutdown Affecting the Military?
Topic: Government Shutdown
Discussed by Sean Timmons
with Tully Legal (

Former JAG Attorney Sean Timmons discusses the government shutdown and how it will effect over 800,000 families across America. How would you survive if you did not receive a paycheck for several weeks?

Today, Sean will be discussing how the government is – and will – affect members of the military and their families.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who will be affected by the government shutdown?

Will they receive back pay someday?

Many Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck. During the government shutdown how will they pay their rent and provide for their families? Many creditors will be sympathetic but not the grocery store or gas station.

How can churches help? How can YOU help?

For more information, click here or call 518.640.3550

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