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June 1, 2020

Title: Power of Prayer
Topic: Power of Prayer
Discussed by Pastor Ed Ethridge
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Do you treat God like a genie in a bottle? Your errand boy? Or do you hold reverence to Him as the Lord God Almighty? Pastor Ed Ethridge offers hope and encouragement today as we continue to navigate through the Corona quarantine.

BONUS: Mark Lanier has a great short video devotion that is applicable to Pastor Ed’s interview. Click here  for “A Weird Parable” on how we should pray.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do some people view God as a genie in a bottle?

Do some people use God as their “errand boy”?

How does God help us?

Why do people who seem to have nothing, still love the Lord and trust that He will provide for them? How is this possible? Pastor Ed references Philippians 4:19…

Does God really care about us?

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May 19, 2020

Title: What is Prayer?
Topic: Power of Prayer
Discussed by Pastor Ed Ethridge
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Pastor Ed Ethridge encourages us to keep praying – no matter what our circumstance. Pastor Ed is the is the Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care at Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is prayer?

Why should we pray?

Does God hear our prayers?

Does God desire our prayers?

How does God answer our prayers?

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January 6, 2020

Title: Is There Power in Prayer?
Topic: Power of Prayer
Discussed by Pastor Ed Ethridge
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Author James Banks  once said: “God moves through faithful prayer in countless ways to encourage others and draw them near to Himself. We may not know someone’s circumstances when they come to mind, but God does. And He’ll help that person as we pray!”

Pastor Ed Ethridge discusses the importance of significance of prayer today…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there power in prayer? Pastor Ed reference Jeremiah 33:3 and Ephesians 3:20…

Does prayer affect the person being prayed for?

Even if we don’t know why a person needs prayer, does God know? Pastor Ed reminds us that God is omniscient and He knows all. “Sometimes we don’t even know our own need!” he says.

Does prayer benefit the person praying?

Are we commanded to pray? Pastor Ed references 1 Thessalonians 5:17 “pray without ceasing”.

How should we pray? Pastor Ed uses the acronym ACTS: Adoration/praise. Confession. Thanksgiving. Supplication.

Join Pastor Ed Ethridge as he begins a new Wednesday Night sermon series this week on 1 John. More information here.

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November 6, 2018

Title: Does Prayer Make a Difference?
Topic: Power of Prayer
Discussed by Geremy Keeton
with Focus on the Family

Today’s segment with Geremy Keeton focuses on the “what if my child strays” question many (if not all) parents have regarding their children. Geremy is the Director of Counseling with Focus on the Family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does prayer really make a difference?

Should parents be praying for their children every day?

What should parents NOT do when their child strays from their faith?

Do parents need someone to “vent” to so they don’t take their frustration out on their kids?

Should we pray to be like the father of the prodigal son?

Why is it important for us to help and support our friends whose children have strayed from their faith?

Geremy Keeton says this: “Make the aroma of your faith, the steadiness it gives you, attractive to your child.

Call 1.800.A.FAMILY for more information regarding this and other family issues.

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July 19, 2018

Title: Does Prayer Work?
Topic: Power of Prayer
Discussed by Paul Batura
with Focus on the Family

Over the past few weeks 12 school age boys and their soccer coach were trapped in a cave in Thailand, attracting news coverage from around the globe. Social media posts and headlines worldwide begged people to pray to God for the trapped soccer team and the heroes who fought to save them. After a harrowing rescue by Thai Navy Seals, the boys all escaped alive.

What role did prayer play?

Paul Batura is the Vice President of Communications at Focus on the Family. Today, Paul will be discussing the importance of prayer and accepting God’s response – no matter what.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it right that we should question God’s motives?

Will it matter in heaven?

Dr. James Dobson, the President of Focus on the Family, wrote a book on this subject: “When God Doesn’t Make Sense”.  Listen as Paul Batura discusses this book…

Paul also mentions a quote by Admiral James Stockdale, Presidential Candidate (1992) and Vietnam Soldier: “Life is not fair. Get over it.

If you are suffering right now with a situation and would like to speak to someone, please contact a counselor at Focus on the Family 1.800.AFAMILY

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