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June 6, 2018
Title: USPS as a Bank – Yay or Nay?
Topic: Bank of the United States Postal Service
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste (
Sen. Kirsten
Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) is the Porker of the Month for her proposal to push the
financially incompetent United States Postal Service (USPS) into the
banking business.
Here with all the details is Tom Schatz, President of Citizens Against
Government Waste.
Questions/Issues Discussed:
What is the purpose of CAGW’s “Porker of the Month” and “Porker
of the Year”?
Why was Sen. Kirsten illibrand chosen this month?
SShould a government entity like the USPS be allowed to lend money to the private
Tom Schatz makes this observation: “They’re going to make mistakes because
it’s not their business to be in this business.”
Do Americans have a “spending problem”? Listen as Terry reads some
shocking statistics and Tom responds…
Would a loan from the USPS be considered “high risk”? Isn’t the USPS
already a sinking ship? Won’t this make their business worse?
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