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May 1, 2018

Title: Persecuting Christians in America
Topic: Homosexual Agenda Normalized by Bullying
Discussed by Bruce Hausknecht
with Focus on the Family

Religious freedom, along with the freedom of speech, is a right given to the American people long ago by our Founding Fathers. Somehow, though, the rules seem to be bending under the weight of current cultural pushes to normalize and promote LGBT values.

Bruce Hausknecht is a Public Policy Analyst with Focus on the Family. Listen in as Bruce discusses the rights all Americans have to follow their conscience and adhere to their religious beliefs.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What rights do Americans have to follow their conscience and adhere to their religious beliefs?

Recently, a decorated, Southern Baptist Army Chaplain arranged for a different chaplain to conduct a marriage retreat where same-sex couples would be in attendance. Is this Chaplain now facing “career ending punishment”?

Have any discrimination complaints been made against Muslim Imams?

A Christian man filed a complaint against a bakery who refused to bake a cake that included Scripture denouncing homosexuality. What was the outcome of this case? HINT: You won’t be surprised!

How can we help Focus on the Family as they represent Army Chaplain Squires?

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