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April 19, 2017

Title: How Much Privacy Should You Give Your Teen?
Topic: Spy On Your Teen
Discussed by Dr. John Thorington
with Focus on the Family

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Dr. John Thorington is a Counselor at Focus on the Family. Today he will be discussing the question that should be on every parent’s mind: How much privacy should I allow my teenager?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is “snooping” the wrong term to use? Dr. Thorington believes the correct terms should be “honesty” and “accountability”.

Is privacy a privilege or a right?

Should parents allow their tween or teen to be online behind closed doors?

Are parental controls a good idea?

Why is it a good idea to “follow” our teens and their friends of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter?

Should we tell our kids and teens about the “scary stuff” like predators and illegal activity online? Should we make them do research on the subject? NOTE: Issues discussed here may be disturbing to some.

Should grandparents be cautious about letting their grandchildren play on their phones and tablets? If grandparents see their grandchildren frequently, should they follow these same rules?

If you would like FREE advice from a licensed counselor with Focus on the Family, please call 1.800.A.FAMILY.

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