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March 3, 2017

Title: Fake Justice and the Rise of a New Religion
Topic: Progressives and the Constitution
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Robert Knight is a Senior Fellow with the American Civil Rights Union.   Today he will be discussing post-modern Progressives and their effect on the Constitution.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are modern Progressives religious, and, if so, who/what is their god?

In regards to precedent found in the US Constitution and/or court cases, do Progressives pick and choose what’s good and what’s not?

C.S. Lewis once remarked that a goal of the left is to "make pornography public and religion private."  Except, of course, for the progressive brand. Are they almost there?

Does the left protect Islam and paganism in the public square, but ban Christianity?

The left is quick to say: "Gays win. Christians lose." But don’t Progressives teach their kids that nobody wins and nobody loses, everyone gets a trophy and is allowed to feel good?

Are we witnessing the imposition of new worldview – a new religion being pushed on an unsuspecting populace?

Do we need to work and pray because the placement of our souls for all of eternity depend on the outcome of what we do?

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