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February 13, 2017

Title: Education Budget Needs an Overhaul
Topic: Education Funding
Discussed by Allan Parker
with The Justice Foundation (

Former President Obama’s budget for the Department of Education provided a huge sum of money  in discretionary funding for the 2016-2017 school year.  We all know that education is important – very, very important. But with too many children and teens not able to read or even solve basic math problems, this is too much money. If the answer is not “more” money, what is?

Allan Parker, President of The Justice Foundation, answers some questions about the budget, the new DOE Secretary, and what needs to be done to help our children.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are students in America receiving for the huge budget allotment?

Not to disparage any public school teacher, administrator, school board trustee, but is the Education establishment in America producing a quality outcome with few students unable to read, at grade level, perform math, and understand American History?

Is throwing more money at a broken system the answer?

Will the incoming Secretary of the Department of Education simply polarize the debate on whether or not Educational Savings Accounts (ESA’s), or vouchers in some form, should be extended to every student in America?

Listen as Allan Parker passionately discusses how each and every child is special and deserves a better education.

Are many incoming college freshmen required to take remedial math and English courses because they truly did not learn the adequate information in high school?

What did the Milwaukee School District do when they learned that many third graders could not read on grade level?

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February 3, 2017

Title: Where Does Funding for Education Come From?
Topic: Education Funding
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Vance Ginn is an Economist at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. He recently testified before the Texas Senate Finance Work Group on School Finance. Listed below are some of the issues he discussed.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who has the obligation to hold the education funds in a trust in Texas?

Has the Texas Supreme Court given the responsibility to fix the education system back into the hands of the Texas House and Senate?

School Districts tax home and business owners to fund education. Is that the only money they receive for the children, or do they also receive state and federal funding?

How do maintenance and operation come into play?

Why is oil and gas production important to education?

Property taxes also affect education funding. Listen as Dr. Ginn discusses property rich districts vs. property poor districts.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Where Does Funding for Education Come From?
Topic: Education Funding
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Dr. Vance Ginn is an Economist at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. He recently testified before the Texas Senate Finance Work Group on School Finance. Listed below are some of the issues he discussed.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who receives more money: teachers or administrators? Dr. Vance Ginn reviews the 2014-2015 school year averages. The amount given to teachers is minuscule compared to administrators and other non-teaching staff receive.

Recap: What are the revue sources for education funding?

Next segment: What solution is best for our children’s education future that will be legal and fair for all?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Where Does Funding for Education Come From?
Topic: Education Funding
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Dr. Ginn believe Education Savings Accounts and School Choice are the best options for the future of education spending?

How will ESA’s and School Choice fix the broken system?

Why are so many opposed to ESA’s and School Choice? Listen as Dr. Ginn discusses funding formulas and scrapping the entire system and starting from scratch.

Can we make everyone happy?

Does Dr. Ginn think that ESA’s and School Choice have a good chance of advancing forward in Texas?

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