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January 25, 2017

Title: The REINS Act and How it Affects Your Money
Topic: REINS Act
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Should Congress review expensive proposed regulations? The major regulations approved by Obama impose the equivalent of $2,294 in regulatory costs on every person in the United States every year. Has your quality of life, your longevity, your happiness improved by $2,294 for every person in your family?

Dr. Sterling Burnett, editor of Climate Change Weekly, is here today to discuss the REINS Act and what it means for your pocketbook.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the REINS ACT?

Have past regulations come with high costs and low benefits?

Decades ago, did our elected officials abrogate their law-making power and allow executive agencies to usurp their authority? And If so, why?

Will President Trump require Congress to “man-up” and review out-of-control agencies who have issued unnecessary, expensive, and often job-killing regulations?

The House has passed the REINS ACT. What about the Senate?

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