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December 9, 2016

Title: Is the Liberal Media Taking Over?
Topic: Progressives Are Regressive to a Sin-filled Society
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Can Americans, especially Christians, afford to ignore liberal hysteria? Robert Knight, with the American Civil Rights Union, will be discussing the key issues which effect all Americans in some way.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is the Supreme Court so important?

Why should Hillary Clinton get a pass when she clearly broke the law? What kind of message does this send to others?

Is the MSM racist?

Can Americans afford to ignore the liberal MSM?

What will happen if/when Trump is able to appoint one or two Constitutionalists to the Supreme Court?

How many liberal Federal Judges did Bill Clinton and Obama appoint during their Presidency?

Why does the liberal MSM become hysterical when they look to the future?

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