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January 12, 2024

Title: Religious Freedom Day January 16, 2024
Topic: Religion and Education
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

Part 1 of 4

In 1993, President George H.W. Bush proclaimed January 16 to be Religious Freedom Day in the United States.

Eric Buehrer is a former public-school teacher and founder of Gateways to Better Education. Today, Eric explains the religious freedom rights that students and teachers have in public school and how they can legally promote and participate in Religious Freedom Day.

Click here to download the FREE Religious Freedom Day Guide from Gateways for Better Education.

Click here for all the details about Religious Freedom Day on January 16, 2024.

Click here for more resources from Gateways for Better Education.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is it important for students and teachers in public school settings to know their religious freedom rights?

Is religious freedom vital to a healthy society? Eric discusses three reasons: it creates a harmonious society, it motivates people to do good, and it places something higher than the government.

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Title: Part 2 of 4 - Religious Freedom Day January 16, 2024
Topic: Religion and Education
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are some religious freedoms students have in public school? Eric discusses: inviting friends to church, wearing religious clothing, forming prayer groups/clubs at school, and excused absences for religious purposes. Listen in to hear more…

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Title: Part 3 of 4 - Religious Freedom Day January 16, 2024
Topic: Religion and Education
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are some religious freedoms teachers have in public school? Eric discusses their personal rights and academic freedom. He also discusses the latest guidance rules, which can be found on their website (listed above). He says: “There is so much more freedom than people think. They just have to be aware.”

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Title: Part 4 of 4 - Religious Freedom Day January 16, 2024
Topic: Religion and Education
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Eric shares that some school districts are welcoming and open to learning more about religious freedom for their students and staff. Others are not as welcome or inviting. But one school district in CALIFORNIA surprised him and he is now using their videos to help educate people of their religious freedom rights in public schools across the country. Click here to view the Orange County Department of Education videos on religious freedom.

How can a student start a Christian club/prayer group/Bible study at their public school? Click here for all the information.

Why is Gateways for Better Education partnering with other organizations to spread the religious freedom message?

Click here to help support Gateways to Better Education.

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September 26, 2023

Title: Students’ Religious Liberties in Public School
Topic: Religion and Education
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

All students have rights in public schools – even Christian students.

Eric Buehrer is the Founder of Gateways to Better Education. Today, Eric reveals all the different religious liberties that Christian students have at public school.

Click here for some resources from Gateways to Better Education.

Click here to donate to Gateways to Better Education.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can students pray, read their Bible/other religious material, and talk about their faith at school? Eric explains that all of these are absolutely allowed in school, but they cannot ignore their school/classwork to do so.

Can students organize prayer groups and religious clubs at their public school? Can they announce their meetings? For more specifics, click here.

Can students express their faith in their class work and homework? Eric discusses how this is protected under the First Amendment.

Can students wear clothing/jewelry with religious messages? This again falls under the First Amendment – except if the message promotes violence or something profane.

Can students go off campus to have religious studies during school hours? It depends on the state, but more information can be found here.

Can students express their faith at a school-sponsored event, such as a graduation ceremony? Eric explains that it must be initiated by the student, not by a teacher or school employee.

Can a student pass out religious literature at school? Eric explains that students cannot just stand in the hallway and pass out religious literature, but students are allowed to give individual students information, much like they would an invitation to a birthday party.

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September 19, 2023

Title: Students’ Religious Liberties in Public School
Topic: Religion and Education
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

All students have rights in public schools – even Christian students.

Eric Buehrer is the Founder of Gateways to Better Education. Today, Eric reveals all the different religious liberties that Christian students have at public school.

Click here for some resources from Gateways to Better Education.

Click here to donate to Gateways to Better Education.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can students pray, read their Bible/other religious material, and talk about their faith at school? Eric explains that all of these are absolutely allowed in school, but they cannot ignore their school/classwork to do so.

Can students organize prayer groups and religious clubs at their public school? Can they announce their meetings? For more specifics, click here.

Can students express their faith in their class work and homework? Eric discusses how this is protected under the First Amendment.

Can students wear clothing/jewelry with religious messages? This again falls under the First Amendment – except if the message promotes violence or something profane.

Can students go off campus to have religious studies during school hours? It depends on the state, but more information can be found here.

Can students express their faith at a school-sponsored event, such as a graduation ceremony? Eric explains that it must be initiated by the student, not by a teacher or school employee.

Can a student pass out religious literature at school? Eric explains that students cannot just stand in the hallway and pass out religious literature, but students are allowed to give individual students information, much like they would an invitation to a birthday party.

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July 24, 2023

Title: Helping Kids/Teens Express their Faith at School
Topic: Religion and Education
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

Eric Buehrer was a public-school teacher before founding Gateways to Better Education. He is a published author and nationally-recognized authority on the subject of religion and public education. Today, Eric encourages parents whose children attend public schools across the nation. How can parents help them graduate with their faith and values intact?

Click here for more resources from Gateways to Better Education.

Click here to help support Gateways to Better Education.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can we be involved helping our children and grandchildren keep their faith in public schools? How can we help them graduate with their faith and values intact? Eric urges parents and even grandparents to be actively involved in their education and ask in-depth questions about what they’re learning. He also discusses the importance of “pre-teaching”.

Can children and teens express religious views in public schools? When are they permitted to read their Bibles?

Can children and teens pray and sing religious songs in public schools?

What religious liberty rights do public school teachers have?

What is the purpose of the upcoming Faith, Freedom, and Public Schools event in Keller, Texas, August 4-5, 2023. Click here for all the details.

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September 16, 2022

Title: Students’ Religious Liberties in Public School
Topic: Religion and Education
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

All students have rights in public schools – even Christian students.

Eric Buehrer is the Founder of Gateways to Better Education. Today, Eric reveals all the different religious liberties that Christian students have at public school.

Click here for some resources from Gateways to Better Education.

Click here to donate to Gateways to Better Education.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can students pray, read their Bible/other religious material, and talk about their faith at school? Eric explains that all of these are absolutely allowed in school, but they cannot ignore their school/classwork to do so.

Can students organize prayer groups and religious clubs at their public school? Can they announce their meetings? For more specifics, click here.

Can students express their faith in their class work and homework? Eric discusses how this is protected under the First Amendment.

Can students wear clothing/jewelry with religious messages? This again falls under the First Amendment – except if the message promotes violence or something profane.

Can students go off campus to have religious studies during school hours? It depends on the state, but more information can be found here.

Can students express their faith at a school-sponsored event, such as a graduation ceremony? Eric explains that it must be initiated by the student, not by a teacher or school employee.

Can a student pass out religious literature at school? Eric explains that students cannot just stand in the hallway and pass out religious literature, but students are allowed to give individual students information, much like they would an invitation to a birthday party.

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September 17, 2021

Title: Equipping Students, Parents, and Teachers to be Salt and Light
Topic: Religion and Education
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

Part 1 of 3

It’s tough to be a Christian in today’s society. It’s even tougher to be a Christian in junior high, high school, and college. Not only for students, but for teachers and administrators as well.

Eric Buehrer discusses the importance of teaching our kids how to be salt and light in their public school.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

With the vast majority of churched-kids attending public schools across America, how can we better equip them to be salt and light for the gospel?

Can students wear Christian t-shirts at school and school-related events? Can they bring their Bible? Can they talk about Jesus? Click here for more info on this.

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August 30, 2021

Title: Religious Freedom in Public Schools
Topic: Religion and Education
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

Part 1 of 2

Many people are confused over what is allowed and what is not regarding religious expression at public schools.

Eric Buehrer is the Founder and President of Gateways to Better Education. Their mission is to help educators, leaders, parents, and students navigate the legal system, protecting both education and religious freedom.

Click here to learn more about Gateways’ “National Free to Speak” campaign.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can a student pray, talk about their faith, and read their Bible or other religious material at school?

Can students organize prayer groups and religious clubs to meet at school? Can they announce their meetings? Eric explains how the clubs/meetings can be announced and also discusses some recent POSITIVE changes from the Department of Education.

Can students express their faith in their class work and homework?

Can students wear clothing with religious messages?

Can students express their faith at a school event – such as footballs games or graduation? Eric says this has a yes and no answer…

Can students pass out religious literature at school? Eric says that, again, this has a yes and no answer…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Religious Freedom in Public Schools
Topic: Religion and Education
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can educators and school employees pray at school?

Can educators teach about religion in class?

Must schools accommodate religious instruction and prayer during school hours?

Gateways to Better Education has many free resources on their website. Click on the link above next to their organization name for more details.

If you would like to “fact-check” any of the information discussed with Eric Buehrer, click here.

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November 11, 2016

Title: Religion and Education Go Together like Peanut Butter and Jelly
Topic: Religion and Education
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

What impact does religion have on education in America? Is the “education establishment” ignoring the facts?

John Horvat, author of “Return to Order”, has a thing or two (actually more) to say about religion and education in American public schools today. In a recent op-ed, he says, “Some educators go to the point of insinuating that the less religious influence upon the student, the better.” This could not be further from the truth.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Education and Religion an oxymoron?

Does the education establishment treat religion as if it is a deadly disease?

We have many wonderful Christian employees in the public education system. However, the education establishment acts too much like the bureaucrats in Washington, wanting to push everyone around and tell them what they can or cannot do or say. Why is this happening in today’s society?

Listen in as John Horvat discusses information from the book, “Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis,” by sociologist Robert Putnam, regarding the impact of religion on students.

What is the “Moral Formation Framework”?

Truth or Fiction: While religion is good for education, education is not good for religion. The educational establishment treats religion as if it is a deadly disease, not a blessing, upon the child. So what should parents and grandparents do?

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August 18, 2016

Title: Religion and Education Go Together like Peanut Butter and Jelly
Topic: Religion and Education
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

What impact does religion have on education in America? Is the “education establishment” ignoring the facts?

John Horvat, author of “Return to Order”, has a thing or two (actually more) to say about religion and education in American public schools today. In a recent op-ed, he says, “Some educators go to the point of insinuating that the less religious influence upon the student, the better.” This could not be further from the truth.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Education and Religion an oxymoron?

Does the education establishment treat religion as if it is a deadly disease?

We have many wonderful Christian employees in the public education system. However, the education establishment acts too much like the bureaucrats in Washington, wanting to push everyone around and tell them what they can or cannot do or say. Why is this happening in today’s society?

Listen in as John Horvat discusses information from the book, “Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis,” by sociologist Robert Putnam, regarding the impact of religion on students.

What is the “Moral Formation Framework”?

Truth or Fiction: While religion is good for education, education is not good for religion. The educational establishment treats religion as if it is a deadly disease, not a blessing, upon the child. So what should parents and grandparents do?

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