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February 1, 2023

Title: Is Community the Key to Happiness?
Topic: Friendship
Discussed by Paul Batura
with Focus on the Family

Paul Tripp: “This community of love is meant to comfort the person who's discouraged, to strengthen the person who's weak, to encourage the person who has no hope, to come alongside the person who's alone, … to give eyes to the person blind to God's presence, and to physically represent God's presence and love.”

Paul Batura is the Vice President of Communications at Focus on the Family. Today, Paul offers hope and encouragement as we seek community and friendship.

Click here for more from Paul Batura.

Click here for more on faith and spiritual growth from Focus on the Family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How does being a part of community help us in our walk with Christ?

Are strong, healthy relationships the foundation to a happy and good life? Paul shares how we can begin to reach out to those around us.

To have friends, must one be friendly? Proverbs 18:24 (NKJ) “A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”

Is anyone meant to live outside of community?

Are keys to friendship found in the Bible? Paul reminds us of God’s design from the beginning with Adam and also urges everyone to stay in church.

What is your favorite Scripture about friendship? Use the CONTACT LINK

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November 2, 2022

Title: The Art of Making Friends
Topic: Friendship
Discussed by Lisa Anderson
with The Boundless Show (

God designed us to live in community with others. Sometimes, though, it is difficult to make friends – especially as adults.

Lisa Anderson is the Director and Host of The Boundless Show, a division of Focus on the Family. Today, Lisa discusses the art of making friends: how to make them, how to keep them, and how to dive deeper.

Click here for the latest blog posts from Boundless.

Click here for more information about Lisa Anderson and The Boundless Show podcast.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do many adults in America feel lonely and without good community? Click here to read the latest report that Lisa discusses in today’s interview.

Is it difficult to recognize if someone around us is lonely and in pain? Lisa offers some great suggestions on how we can help others – and in return, we will be blessed, too!

How can we build true, lasting friendships? Lisa believes we all need to be more intentional. She says: “Be an inviter!” Don’t just say “Let’s get together”. Make the plans and stick to it!

Please click here to receive your free gift in exchange for a financial donation, which helps support Lisa Anderson and The Boundless Show.

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October 21, 2022

Title: The Art of Making Friends
Topic: Friendship
Discussed by Lisa Anderson
with The Boundless Show (

God designed us to live in community with others. Sometimes, though, it is difficult to make friends – especially as adults.

Lisa Anderson is the Director and Host of The Boundless Show, a division of Focus on the Family. Today, Lisa discusses the art of making friends: how to make them, how to keep them, and how to dive deeper.

Click here for the latest blog posts from Boundless.

Click here for more information about Lisa Anderson and The Boundless Show podcast.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do many adults in America feel lonely and without good community? Click here to read the latest report that Lisa discusses in today’s interview.

Is it difficult to recognize if someone around us is lonely and in pain? Lisa offers some great suggestions on how we can help others – and in return, we will be blessed, too!

How can we build true, lasting friendships? Lisa believes we all need to be more intentional. She says: “Be an inviter!” Don’t just say “Let’s get together”. Make the plans and stick to it!

Please click here to receive your free gift in exchange for a financial donation, which helps support Lisa Anderson and The Boundless Show.

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May 2, 2016

Title: Making New Friends as an Adult
Topic: Friendship
Discussed by Lisa Anderson
with The Boundless Show (

Remember when you were a young child and everyone was your best friend? You made friends at school, at the park, at church, at the play place at McDonald’s. Everywhere you went, you made a friend! If only it were that easy as an adult…

Starting in early adulthood, our number of friends begins to dwindle. Changes in friendships often occur during or immediately following life changes: graduation, marriage, parenthood, and job changes. It is often difficult to make new friends. Why? Because we are scared of rejection.

Today, Lisa Anderson, author and host of “The Boundless Show,” will share tips from her own experience on how to make and keep friends and why these friendships can be such a blessing in the adult years. One point that Lisa brings up is social media and how many of us are replacing “real” friendships with “fake” friendships. “It’s becoming problematic,” she warns.

Lisa believes that everyone, married or not, should start looking for and building friendships within the church. “Going to church and warming a pew on Sunday and sitting there with your double-walled coffee mug is not ‘doing’ community,” she says. “It’s not investing.”

If you’re thinking: “Well, no one has ever invited me out to lunch after church.” Have YOU ever invited SOMEONE ELSE? If you are single and want to go to a Bible study, how hard have you actually looked for one in your community? Have you thought about starting one yourself? MEN – do you have home projects you are working on and would like some help? Ask another man to help you!

Above all, Lisa says to “be friendly”. If you are naturally shy, there is nothing wrong with having a list of questions to ask a new person so you can have some conversation starters. “Just reaching out with kindness gets the ball rolling,” Lisa states.

Host Note: I don’t think it would “that” weird to go up to a stranger at the coffee shop and ask “Do you want to be my friend?” Maybe I’ll try it today.

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