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March 14, 2016

Title: Texas Employment Number Effected by the Price of Oil
Topic: Texas Employment Numbers
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

It is time for some good news! Texas continues to add THOUSANDS of NEW jobs every month. Granted, those in the oil industry are suffering losses every day. If you are one of those who has lost their job, my heart goes out to you. I know from personal experience back in the 80’s how tough it can be. But we want to focus on the positive during this interview with Dr. Vance Ginn – and hopefully lift your spirits in the process.

During January of this year, businesses across Texas added 31,400 “non-farm jobs”, bringing the unemployment rate down to 4.5%. Dr. Ginn also points out that the unemployment rate for Texas has been under the national average for 109 consecutive months! That is outstanding! No wonder so many Californians and northerners are flocking to Texas! (Note: There is a sad note to the “non-farm jobs” stats, including the jobs lost in the oil field, as Dr. Ginn explains here.)

The business sectors that have had the most growth in Texas during the last year are: finance, manufacturing computers, and the health industry. The largest increase, however, comes in the education health services industry, adding 11,500 jobs in January 2016 alone!

Listen in as Dr. Ginn gives more statistics on job growth in Texas over the last twelve months. He also offers hope for Texans who may be experiencing a job loss. There is hope on the horizon!

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