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November 28, 2016

Title: Mosquitos and Zika
Topic: Zika Virus
Discussed by Commissioner Cactus Jack Cagle
with Cactus Jack Cagle (

A proposal to release genetically altered mosquitoes into the United States for the first time hit a possible stumbling block, with voters in the Florida Keys expressing uncertainty about a field trial there.

Listen in as Jack Cagle, Harris County Precinct 4 Commissioner, discusses this serious issue which affects us all.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is it becoming more difficult to control the mosquito population?

Other than Zika, what other diseases are mosquitos bringing to Texas and America?

Are other insects being unnecessarily eliminated when chemicals are used to kill mosquitos? Are these insects helpful or harmful?

Some precincts in Texas are researching the benefits of a genetically modified mosquito. Listen in as Commissioner Cagle explains.

For more information on this issue, click here.

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February 12, 2016

Title: President Obama Wants $1.8 billion for Zika Virus
Topic: Zika Virus
Discussed by Angela Logomasini
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

President Obama wants $1.8 Billion to fight the Zika virus. Will any of that money be used to kill babies?

New guest, Angela Logomasini, is with the Environmental Risk, Regulation, and Consumer Freedom Department within the Competitive Enterprise Institute. She also manages Safe Chemical Policy and is a Senior Fellow at Independent Women’s Forum. We do like to have our experts on the show, you know!

First, Angela Logomasini explains what the Zika virus is for those that might be unfamiliar with the details. “For most people, it is short-term and temporary. The concern is about it being connected with brain damage in infants in Brazil,” she says. One point she brings up is the lack of pesticide use due to environmentalists’ screaming about its “harmful side effects”.

Is the pandemic scare really necessary, though? Angela uses the term “vector-borne” to describe how the Zika virus is spread, similar to Malaria and Dengue and even West Nile and Lyme disease. It refers to any disease transmitted by bugs, usually mosquitoes. In third-world countries, the effects of vector-borne diseases can be catastrophic. Even here in America, the problems are not adequately addressed, she believes.

Listen in as Angela Logomasini discusses the Zika virus further, how it is transmitted, short-term and long-term effects, and what we can expect to see in the coming months. One thing Angela recommends is more use of mosquito nets, insect repellant, and education around the world; aborting babies is not the answer. For more on the Zika virus and other similar issues, check out Competitive Enterprise Institute.

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