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May 17, 2017

Title: Are Inspections Really Saving Lives?
Topic: Passenger Vehicle Safety Inspection
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Dr. Vance Ginn, economist in the Center for Fiscal Policy at TPPF, is here today to discuss the passage of SB1588, which would eliminate regular vehicle safety inspections in Texas.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Of the 50 states in America, how many still require a vehicle safety inspection for all vehicles?

Why was the Texas vehicle safety inspection initiated? Are these issues still prevalent?

Is there fraud within the vehicle safety inspection business?

Why does the TTPF lobby on this issue?

SB1588 still must pass in the House by this coming Saturday. Please call the Capitol Switchboard at 512.463.4630 and urge your Representative to vote FOR SB1588.

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April 24, 2017

Title: Are Vehicle Safety Inspections Necessary?
Topic: Passenger Vehicle Safety Inspection
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Dr. Vance Ginn does not believe Vehicle Safety inspections are needed. And he is not the only one who is urging the Texas Legislature to abandon this costly practice.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Bottom Line: Do Vehicle Safety Inspections (VSI) increase driver safety? FACT: Even the state of California does not require VSI anymore!

Should VSI programs be eliminated by the Texas Legislature?

What percentage of accidents are caused by defects that VSI can help catch?

When we get our oil changed, do the technicians do a thorough diagnostic check – more than what is even required for a VSI?

How much is this program actually costing the tax payers, NOT including the cost of the test?

Do both SB1588 and HB3995 have bi-partisan support?

Please contact your Texas Elected Officials at 512.463.4630 and urge them to pass these two bills.

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February 19, 2016

Title: Passenger Vehicle Safety Inspection
Topic: Passenger Vehicle Safety Inspection
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The Texas Passenger Vehicle Safety Inspection Program began in 1951. Many people believe that the program is outdated – and I tend to agree with them! Dr. Vance Ginn, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, is here to give an UPDATE on the situation. First, Texas is one of only sixteen states in the nation that still requires a Vehicle Safety Inspection on all passenger and commercial vehicles. Mississippi stopped their inspection program last year, and even California doesn’t require it anymore!

Over the last decade, Texas drivers have spent $2.4 Billion on this program; $267 Million was spent in 2014 alone! It’s way past time to scrap the Passenger Vehicle Safety Inspection Program and start saving drivers money!

But doesn’t the program help save lives? “When you look at the accidents across Texas with injuries and fatalities…those issues are not caused by the vehicle’s maintenance,” Dr. Ginn reveals. The majority of accidents are a direct result of the driver’s lack of attention, speeding, alcohol, drugs, and texting.

Dr. Ginn makes an another excellent point: “When you think about it, a vehicle safety inspection is done one day out of the year, maybe for fifteen minutes. But that means the other 364 days of the year, your car is not inspected.

Listen in as Dr. Vance Ginn shares more details about this unneeded program and what has been developing in the Texas Legislature concerning its elimination. For more information on this issue from the Texas Public Policy Foundation, click here.  You can also email Dr. Ginn with your opinion and comments at

Note: We do want to point out that we are in FAVOR of KEEPING the COMMERCIAL Vehicle Safety Inspection in place. This also does not affect the Emissions Inspection Program because that is tied to the Federal Government.

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February 3, 2016

Title: Passenger Vehicle Safety Inspection: Helping or Hindering
Topic: Passenger Vehicle Safety Inspection
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Economist, Dr. Vance Ginn, recently testified before the Texas Senate Transportation Committee on the interim charge recommending ways to compress or otherwise reduce the number of required Passenger Vehicle Safety Inspections. Dr. Ginn also released a new paper examining the cost and effectiveness of the inspections.

$267 Million was spent by Texans in 2014 on the Passenger Vehicle Safety Inspection program. Over the last decade, we have spent a whopping $2.4 Billion.

The Texas Legislature passed the Passenger Vehicle Safety Inspection law in 1951. The purpose of the inspection was to limit the number of accidents due to malfunctions or problems with the vehicles. However, not many changes have occurred in the inspection process over the last six decades, making the test obsolete. In fact, only sixteen state still require the inspection! Dr. Ginn points out that the majority of accidents are caused by driver distraction now – not due to problems with the vehicle.

Listen in as Dr. Ginn explains more about the inspection process and how it differs from the Commercial Safety Inspection Law. He also discusses his efforts in traveling around the state, garnering support for a bill to be introduced in 2017 to eliminate the Passenger Vehicle Safety Inspection completely. And all the Texas drivers said “Amen!”

If you would like to offer comments or suggestions on this issue, please email Dr. Vance Ginn.

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