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January 8, 2016

Title: Railway Revival
Topic: Railway Revival
Discussed by Marc Scribner
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

In the late 19th Century, railroads were the best way to travel and sent large amount of goods across the country. They also created the first interstate commerce act and business was booming. Less than a century later, however, they were on the verge of extinction due to the government’s involvement with strict regulations. No one saw the collapse coming and many railroad systems went bankrupt. In the 1980’s, though, the railroad industry bounced back on its own.

Businesses today can certainly learn a lesson or two from the downfall of the railroad industry. Listen in as Marc Scribner explains how the railroads changed their future and what executives can do today to help their companies based upon their plans. “One thing business leaders need to recognize is that this appeasement strategy and they fatalistic mindset is not in their long-run interest.” They must take a stand against government interference; it never ends well if you don’t fight back.

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