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December 17, 2015

Title: Are Progressives Waging Secular Jihad Against Prayer and Guns?
Topic: Secular Jihad
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

The negativity against prayer and guns from the left, including the media, really caught the attention of Christians and those on the right when the Democrat Party overwhelmingly voted to remove the word “God” from their platform three years ago. However, they have really stepped up their game against prayer and guns in recent months, specifically since the December 2 San Bernardino mass shooting.

Robert Knight, with the American Civil Rights Union, says, “Liberals never cease to use crises like these to their advantage. They use them to push forward their proposals, whether they make sense or not.” Robert feels the same way about the left’s desire to take away our guns as he does about men in women’s restrooms. “They accuse us of harboring hatred and bigotry,” he says. “But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Robert also discusses the changes which are sure to come if Shariah Law eventually makes its way to every state in America. Women – beware. Your life will change dramatically. Just look at Great Britain as an example of how being politically correct can ruin a country.

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