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November 6, 2015

Title: Peaceful Protestors Ticketed
Topic: Peaceful Pro-Lifers Ticketed
Discussed by Jim Graham
with Texas Right to Life

Part 1 of 2

Jim Graham is the President of Texas Right to Life. His father founded the organization many, many years ago when the only enemies were Democrats. Now, it is a totally different story. There are many great, pro-life, pro-family Republicans in Austin, but there are quite a few bad apples in the bunch as well. Byron Cook is one of those bad apples.

Representative Byron Cook (R-District 8) is known as a RINO – Republican in Name Only. During the 84th Session of the Texas Legislature, Byron Cook, one of the top three most powerful Representatives in Texas, advanced a despicable, anti-Life agenda on the backs of defenseless pre-born children. He recently announced his bid for re-election and the voters of Navarro County (Corsicana) are not pleased.

Jim Graham explains how people came from all over the state to join together in a peaceful protest at Cook’s re-election kick-off party and were ticketed by police for having “too many rally participants”! Listen in to the next segment with Jim as he discusses the situation in more detail.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Peaceful Protestors Ticketed
Topic: Peaceful Pro-Lifers Ticketed
Discussed by Jim Graham
with Texas Right to Life

Members from Texas Right to Life and Empower Texas, along with other concerned citizens, were holding a peaceful protest in the rain to voice their concern over a RINO in Austin. They just wanted to be taken seriously and show Representative Byron Cook that he needs to shape up or they are going to ship him out. Their protest was short-lived when police arrived and forced them to disperse. Listen in as Jim Graham explains in more detail what happened.

Jim goes on to say, “If you are truly pro-life, you would do whatever it took to save as many lives as you could, to pass as many bills as you could, and you would not care who got the glory.” Byron Cook simply does not care about the babies; he only cares about advancing his political career.

We are about building the culture of life and advancing the Kingdom of God. It is not about winning. It’s about doing the will of the Lord. We are called to make a difference. We are not called to victory.” Jim declares.

Please visit the Texas Right to Life website  to see how you can help save more babies.

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