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November 4, 2015

Title: Breaking: Solar Plant Emitting Carbon Pollutants!
Topic: Alternative Energy Lies
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Even as the Obama administration announces another $120 million in grants to boost solar energy, new reports indicate a centerpiece of the administration's green-energy effort is actually a carbon polluter. Located in Southern California's Mojave Desert, the $2.2 billion Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System benefited from a $1.6 billion Energy Department loan guarantee, and a $539 million Treasury Department stimulus grant to help pay off the loan. It has now been discovered that the plant is producing carbon emissions at nearly twice the amount that was expected.

Dr. Sterling Burnett is the Managing Editor for Environment and Climate News with the Heartland Institute. Listen in as Dr. Burnett explains how this particular solar panel plant operates, which is different than other solar plants that have been built. There is one aspect that is the same: they kill birds! Yes, birds! The heat from the sunlight on the solar panels is so intense, it literally causes birds to burst into flames! A bird conservationist group claims that tens of thousands of birds have been killed by solar panels.

Where is the outcry from the environmentalists or PETA? Nowhere. After all, solar powered plants are better than coal! (insert sarcasm.) Under the current administration, there is really no hope of changing the EPA’s harsh and unrealistic regulations on energy sources. Dr. Burnett discusses the increase of businesses being forced to leave California due to their unmanageably high energy rates. They simply cannot afford to stay there.

Dr. Burnett makes a bold statement: “I would like to see every coal-fired power plant in this country shut itself down for three days and see how the nation likes it.

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