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August 26, 2015

Title: Part 3 of 3 - Tent Revivals and Alter Calls
Topic: Alter Calls
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Tent revivals and ‘alter calls’ became the ‘vogue’. Charles Finney began the tradition of an 'altar call' in his 1830 revival in Rochester, New York: "I had found, that with the higher classes especially, the greatest obstacle to be overcome was their fear of being known as anxious inquirers. They were too proud...Something was needed, to make the impression on them that they were expected at once to give up their hearts; something that would call them to act, and act as publicly before the world, as they had in their sins; something that would commit them publicly to the service of Christ... I had called them simply to stand up in the public bring them out from among the mass of the ungodly, to a public renunciation of their sinful ways, and a public committal of themselves to God."

Concerning the Kingdom of God, he wrote: "Every member must work or quit. No honorary members."

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