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August 25, 2015

Title: Vote Buying
Topic: Vote Buying
Discussed by Iain Murray
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Part 1 of 3

The regulations governing vote buying in modern liberal democracies seem paradoxical. It is wrong and illegal to offer individual voters in political elections money for their votes. It is, however, perfectly acceptable (or at least, constitutionally protected) to promise identifiable groups of voters particular benefits in exchange for their votes.

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB, a product of that 1930s legislation) is expected to rule any day now in a case that will affect thousands of businesses. Firms are bracing themselves for the fall-out.

The whole American business model of contracting out non-essential services would be overturned overnight. Firms that have spent decades flattening their structures would be forced to vertically integrate. One employment owner told The Hill, “Every company will have to reexamine their business relationships."

He will continue this in the next segment, so listen in!

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