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August 6, 2015

Title: The Highway Trust Fund
Topic: Highway Trust Fund
Discussed by Marc Scribner
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Part 1 of 2

Demographers estimate that the population in Texas will double over the next ten years. Traffic statewide is bad enough as it is. What will it look like in five or ten years?

Marc Scribner  is a transportation, land use, and telecommunication policy expert with the Competitive Enterprise Institute,  Marc is here to help us understand the Highway Trust Fund and what the future may look like if we don’t make some changes – and soon.

First, the problem is that we’re spending more money than we’re bringing in,” Marc explains. He goes on to discuss some of the money collected via the various gas taxes and possible tax increases Congress wants to impose. Marc believes that the key to success is giving more control over these decision to state and local officials. Listen in as he explains just what the “Highway Trust Fund” was created for and why it isn’t working.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Highway Trust Fund
Topic: Highway Trust Fund
Discussed by Marc Scribner
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

So, what can be done to correct the obvious mistakes resulting from the Highway Trust Fund? Marc Scribner has some great suggestions you’ll either love or hate!

First, governments at all levels – local, state, and federal – must stop spending outrageous sums on mass transit. For example, on the federal level, about twenty percent of all funds is given to mass transit. However, less than two percent of trips are made by mass transit. It’s even worse when you break down the state and local levels.

CHECK THIS OUT!!! Studies have shown that the government could buy each person who utilizes mass transit a new Toyota Prius every three years!! Come on, now. That’s crazy talk.

Marc also discusses “Private Activity Bonds” and “Mileage-based User Fees”. These are both highly controversial, especially in Texas, but don’t tune out. Listen to what Marc has to say and then research these options for yourself before you form an opinion.

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