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February 9, 2015

Title: Liar Loans are Back
Topic: Liar Loans Are Back
Discussed by Hans Bader
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Part 1 of 2

Obama did not learn anything from the 2008 financial crisis. His administration is doubling down on the mortgage industry, giving a loan to anyone who wants one, no matter their ability to pay the loan or not. But but but! Wasn’t it Bush’s fault?

Hans Bader, with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, says that the Clinton administration actually started the whole mess when they began Fanny Mae and Fanny Mac. Many of these loans are referred to “Liar Loans” because the applicant just flat-out lies to the lender and the facts are never checked.

Hans explains that many Republicans in Congress tried to fix the mess that Clinton created, but they were blocked at every turn buy the Democrats, who were in control starting in 2006. George Soros played a big part in the whole debacle, as well.

Texas was one of the last states to pass a law allowing people to borrow money against their equity. Terry and just a handful of other Republican activists opposed this law. Listen in as he explains why and as Hans gives more details about the housing crash – things you probably don’t even know!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Liar Loans are Back
Topic: Liar Loans Are Back
Discussed by Hans Bader
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Hans Bader continues to discuss the pending doom of the housing market. He explains that Obama is using the FHA to cross-subsidize loans. Why? It didn’t work with Clinton. Bush and the Republicans tried to fix it, but the Dems stopped them.

“There are other countries that do not have government-sponsored mortgage giants and their home owner rates are higher than ours. If we can get them out of the market place, eventually the over-all rates will increase,” Hans Bader says. “It just doesn’t make sense for the government to use these subsidies, when the taxpayers are the ones who pay for it,” he continues.

Obama is pressuring banks to approve loans for minorities in low-income areas, saying banks are racist! This causes a ripple effect: the banks give loans to irresponsible minorities who pay no money down for a house they cannot afford, these minorities stop paying their house payment, they lose their home, honest, hard-working middle-to-upper-middle class home owners then get their loan rate jacked up to pay for someone else’s loan. Not only is this just not fair, it’s criminal!

Can Congress do anything to stop this never-ending cycle? Will Obama allow Congress to defund these government subsidy banks? Or will he just veto any attempt to actually fix the problem?

For more from the Competitive Enterprise Institute, click [here].

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