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June 10, 2014

Title: Obama is a Bad Negotiator
Topic: Obama is a Bad Negotiator
Discussed by Dr. Paul Bonicelli
with Regent University (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Paul Bonicelli, Executive Vice President of Regent University, says, “The Taliban Dream Team trade for Sgt. Bergdahl was not legal or wise.”

Dr. Bonicelli also served President George W. Bush and America in the United States Agency for International Development. He believes the press would have butchered Bush if he had made the same trade as Obama.

Listen in as he discusses what America’s enemies can do now with this information.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obama is a Bad Negotiator
Discussed by Dr. Paul Bonicelli
with Regent University (

The president's Rose Garden ceremony announcing Bergdahl's release betrays his obvious political motivation. The firestorm of criticism of this action indicates how much this has backfired on him.

In addition, Susan Rice's Sunday talk show celebration of Bergdahl's 'honorable' service is being called in to question due to new information that Bergdahl might actually be a traitor or deserter.

This all tremendously effects low-information voters. Listen in as Dr. Bonicelli explains. For more information on this and other issues, log on to

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