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February 2, 2015

Title: The Enemy of Enemy is My Friend
Topic: Saudi Arabia
Discussed by Dr. Paul Bonicelli
with Regent University (

The death of anyone is always heartbreaking. The death of Saudi King Abdullah is not only tragic for the people of Saudi Arabia, but for the world, as well. Relations between Saudi Arabia and The United States has been rocky, at best, for a very long time. However, is this the chance we’ve been waiting for? Can America finally be allies with Saudi Arabia?

Dr. Bonicelli served President George W. Bush and America in the United States Agency for International Development. He is currently the Executive Vice President at Regent University. Dr. Bonicelli explains how the different religious beliefs among the people in the Middle East cause a great deal of tension among the countries, which will probably intensify with the new king in Saudi Arabia.

Should we assume the worst and prepare for it? Or sit on the sidelines and let the people in the Middle East just duke it out? Dr. Bonicelli believes we need to be on high alert and sleep with one eye open. President Obama has a “be-nice-to-everyone” policy. He firmly believes that if we are nice to our enemies, they will leave us alone. He really needs to get his head out of the sand.

Listen in as Dr. Bonicelli discusses the seriousness of the situation in the Middle East and what he believes must be done.

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June 10, 2014

Title: Obama is a Bad Negotiator
Topic: Obama is a Bad Negotiator
Discussed by Dr. Paul Bonicelli
with Regent University (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Paul Bonicelli, Executive Vice President of Regent University, says, “The Taliban Dream Team trade for Sgt. Bergdahl was not legal or wise.”

Dr. Bonicelli also served President George W. Bush and America in the United States Agency for International Development. He believes the press would have butchered Bush if he had made the same trade as Obama.

Listen in as he discusses what America’s enemies can do now with this information.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obama is a Bad Negotiator
Discussed by Dr. Paul Bonicelli
with Regent University (

The president's Rose Garden ceremony announcing Bergdahl's release betrays his obvious political motivation. The firestorm of criticism of this action indicates how much this has backfired on him.

In addition, Susan Rice's Sunday talk show celebration of Bergdahl's 'honorable' service is being called in to question due to new information that Bergdahl might actually be a traitor or deserter.

This all tremendously effects low-information voters. Listen in as Dr. Bonicelli explains. For more information on this and other issues, log on to

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February 28, 2014

Title: The Ruling Class is at Odds with Everyone Else
Topic: Revolution in Venezuela
Discussed by Dr. Paul Bonicelli
with Regent University (

Will Venezuela follow the footsteps of the Ukraine? Both countries are in state of utter unrest and turmoil. In fact, the President of the Ukraine has fled the country!

Crime in Venezuela is at an all-time high, unemployment is 30-40%, and inflation is out of control. There isn’t even any toilet paper! Everything in the entire country has been nationalized. This is definitely not working out for the people of Venezuela. So, what’s next?

Listen in as Dr. Paul Bonicelli is the Executive Vice President at Regent University.

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September 26, 2013

Title: If Kenya, Why Not a Mall in Kansas, California or Texas?
Topic: Jihadists Attack a Mall
Discussed by Dr. Paul Bonicelli
with Regent University (

Victims were asked to recite the Koran. If they could not, they were shot execution style.

There is a world war occurring against Christians and Jews. Wake up President Obama, they do want to kill us.

No matter what President Obama does, the Jihadist will still have Christians and Jews. Will this happen in America on Black Friday?

Please listen in.

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June 25, 2013

Title: Russia Disrespectful to America
Topic: Disrespecting America
Discussed by Dr. Paul Bonicelli
with Regent University (

Are world leaders showing disrespect to our leader, President Obama, and therefore showing disrespect to America? The Obama Administration wants to get their hands on Edward Snowden and the leaders of China, Russia, and other countries are ignoring his pleas.

Does President Obama suffer from “conflict avoidance syndrome”?

Have the strong, as well as the weak, throughout the world seen the Obama Administration lead America into the ‘Paper Tiger’? Should L.I.V.’s [low-information-voters] care what world leaders think of America’s might, her ability, and her resolve to use its might?

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May 7, 2013

Title: Is the Syrian usage of Chemical Weapons a Game Changer?
Topic: Chemical Warfare
Discussed by Dr. Paul Bonicelli
with Regent University (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Paul Bonicelli is an expert on foreign policy and served under President George W. Bush at the US Agency for International Development. He is currently the Executive Vice President of Regent University in Virginia Beach.

The Israeli’s charge that the Syrian dictatorship has repeatedly used chemical weapons in it desperate attempt to save itself could be very likely be a game changer. But why? Should we take Israel seriously?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Chemical Warfare
Discussed by Dr. Paul Bonicelli
with Regent University (

If the West moves to intervene in the Israel/Syria conflict, Dr. Paul Bonicelli fears the impact will be minimal. He believes that action should have been taken a long time ago and that extremists will soon take over the country of Syria.

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April 5, 2013

Title: Is North Korea Really Serious?
Topic: North Korea
Discussed by Dr. Paul Bonicelli
with Regent University (

North Korea’s young leader, Kim Jong-un, is either really intelligent or really stupid. And we don’t really want to wait around to see which one he is.

Dr. Paul Bonicelli is an expert on foreign policy and served under President George W. Bush at the US Agency for International Development. He is currently the Executive Vice President of Regent University in Virginia Beach.

Dr. Bonicelli has stated that, “In the past, the goal of the North’s leaders was simply to play a game they always win: extort food and other types of aid from Washington and Seoul by threatening to act very badly. But this time, it appears different, and it might actually be different because Kim Jong-un is one of the most inexperienced rulers of the modern era and definitely the most inexperienced to have nuclear capabilities.”

So what does America do? How should we respond to Kim’s threats?

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March 8, 2013

Title: The “Department of Peace-Bullying”
Topic: Cabinet Posts
Discussed by Dr. Paul Bonicelli
with Regent University (

Part 1 of 2

We just can’t make this stuff up, folks. Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA) is calling for a new cabinet post: “The Department of Peace-Bullying”. No lie.

To stop violence form the schoolyard to Scotland Yard (not really!), the thugs in WDC think new cabinet posts are the only answer. Yeah, sitting around, forming a committee, and spending millions and even billions of tax-payer dollars trying to find a solution is soooooo going to work.

What is Barbara Lee smoking? Well, she is a Democrat from California…

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Cabinet Posts
Discussed by Dr. Paul Bonicelli
with Regent University (

Kids fight over toys. Couples argue over who’s going to do the dishes. Nations disagree on policies. Does that mean we hate each other? No. Does that mean someone will get hurt? No, not necessarily.

But when it comes to changing the American Constitution, should we just sit idly by and let it happen? NO!

In this segment, Dr. Bonicelli discusses some major issues that could cut “Peace” out of the picture - for good.

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July 6, 2012

Title: Is The Clock Ticking On Mexico And Its People?
Topic: Mexico - Our "Good" Neighbor
Discussed by Dr. Paul Bonicelli
with Regent University (

Part 1 of 2

Why is America so prosperous and the other countries less so?

Talk to our listeners about the former ruling party of Mexico! What is the PRI?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Mexico - Our "Good" Neighbor
Discussed by Dr. Paul Bonicelli
with Regent University (

If you had $1 million to invest in a farm, would you invest that in Mexico, or rather into an empty strip center in America?

Can the new president get the drug situation under control? What can the new president do to open up entrepreneurial opportunities?

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October 18, 2011

Title: Did Iran Commit An Act of War Worthy of U.S. Military Action?
Topic: War With Iran
Discussed by Dr. Paul Bonicelli
with Regent University (

“Targeting foreign diplomats for assassination on U.S. soil isn’t simply terrorism,” says Dr. Paul Bonicelli, former assistant administrator at the US Agency for International Development. “Iran’s complicity, if verified, would constitute an act of war.” But against whom: America or Saudi Arabia?

Should Obama call for air strikes against Iran?  Would this be his “October Surpise”?

Should Saudi Arabia simply hire its mercenaries – the U.S. Military – to attack Iran?

Send us your comments.

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September 22, 2011

Title: Will The U.N. Give the Palestinians The West Bank and The Gaza As a State?
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Dr. Paul Bonicelli
with Regent University (

Should the Palestinian occupants of the West Bank and the Gaza be given the land as a new nation?

Our Guest, Dr. Paul Bonicelli, explains how President Obama has made three key errors in dealing with the UN, the Palestinians, and with Israel.

Is it too late to stop the push to recognize a Palestinian State? Will the vote lead to another Middle-East War or to renewed terrorism? Listen in…

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