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February 26, 2014

Title: Why I Side with the One Percent
Topic: One Percenters
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Part 1 of 2

Who actually makes minimum wage? Is it the father of four whose wife also works a minimum wage job? Is it seasonal workers? Is it teenagers and college students?

John Horvat, author of “Return to Order”, explains how many Americans actually make minimum wage and why he is on their side. The answer might surprise you.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: One Percenters
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Now that we know the facts about who and how many people actually make minimum wage, we must stop the government from raising the MW. They are using this one percent of American citizens as a bargaining tool, a way to attract voters, especially the poverty stricken and college students.

Hundreds of thousands of people will lose their jobs if the MW is raised. We need to encourage positive, healthy changes in our families, not more government hand-outs.

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